Maria carefully lifted the lid off the manhole as she came out, this was a new area for her to explore near the hospital, giving her plenty of hope to find new things, especially water, she had been thirsty all day, her mouth dry and numb. She brought out her spiked bat and her 45. revolver that she had yet to use, she figured she might as well bring it, just in case. She stepped out, gun on her hip and bat ready to be swung, heading off to the hospital. Once she was inside, she snuck around the few infected that were in the main lobby to get to the vents, carefully unscrewing the bolts with her overgrown nails. Setting aside the vent door, she wiggled her way in, giving her good access for at least a couple of floors. She dropped into one of the room that looked like it held a decent amount of medical supplies. She looked through all the bottles and cases, seeing medications of all sorts but nothing important to her. She heard noises outside the door which happened to be locked, making her curious enough to look through it's small window. A line of infected walked down the hallway outside the room, all going one way. She merely pushed the thought of possible survivors out of her head, it seemed only like a false hope to hold out on that fantasy.