Destiny leaned against the car with heavy wheezing breaths. Her family had suspected she was asthmatic but they never got the chance to have it tested because of the outbreak. "Not Now..Dang it!" She slammed her fist against the car without thinking or knowing about the nearby company. The noise she created startled her and caused her to jump, lose her balance, and topple onto her large pack. It took her a minute to roll to her side and return the pack to her back where it belonged. Making her way to her feet she looked around and eyed possible places to find resources. She knew the hospital would be well ransacked by now but it was her best shot. Slowly she stood up and cast a glance over the car and to the hospital. She could easily make it across, if she ran. Running might be a bit of an issue so instead she decided to slump against the car and hope it would pass.