[b]Kucing- Gandryll Centre[/b] He begged and pleaded but the bird man was not getting her in that armour, she had contemplated it before he mentioned her transformations would be limited at that point she'd bared claws and fangs in abject defiance until the old man sighed and told her to just keep out of sight. She had agreed to the skirt and top, it had not hindered her movements or her transformation but to wear such poisonous colours and be restricted in her movements no man, Alpha or otherwise, had the power to make her do that. She had no skill with their stupid weapons, her weapons were her nails, her teeth, her entire body was a weapon that had been trained to hunt and kill prey many times her own size. She'd never needed tools to help her and even now when offered she gave them all a disapproving look before walking out of their armoury as bare as she had walked into it, with hands interlocking the feral girl stretched until she heard an adequate pop and shook her messy hair to free it of the burdens of sleep. Wear clothes, use sticks, what did Avalon take her for? A crow? A warbler perhaps? She was no bird, nor chimp, she was a cat, what she couldn't kill herself was a better hunter and should be avoided at all costs. Before they left she narrowed her eyes to the day, flashing that bright blue that should only have ever belonged to the dawn and not in a creatures head, leaping into the shadows sleek white fur was strangely almost invisible and her footfalls silent even against the looser stones. With ease she scrambled to roof top height, keeping low and following her silly looking friends through the town, graceful leap after leap until they seemed to stop at one particular building. She didn't leave her post, for all she didn't know she knew well enough that humans were quite opposed to large cats in their homes and saw no need to further put at risk their mission, instead she hunkered down in the blackest of shadows and waited, she heard screeching which bought forth a low snarl to her lips but soon there was silence and she waited quietly again. Her ears flickered and her head rose, there was something in the air and while people might take time to figure out whether it was scent or noise, feelings or intuition she cared not for such philosophy. Her body knew something was wrong and without thought she sprang from the roof like a silver bolt of lightening, down to the shop beside and hidden behind crates and barrels where she kept her chest low to the ground, her tail against her back legs and her claws out and readied. What she was waiting for didn't take long, a large bang that caused her ears to ring coupled with a bright blast that left her eyes momentarily stunned seemed to rock the area she was in. For a moment she was forced to back up, a low growl at the back of her throat which, thankfully, didn't seem to be heard over the sound of the chaos following the blast. Whatever happened had people scattering, running, making her wonder what people meats tasted like, if only for a moment. Powerful legs took her back to the roof where she spotted three people exit the back of the building, a quick scent identified them as her pack as a further set of strangely dressed people threatened the front of the store. She had no care for those inside and upon hearing Avalon speak the words 'stop them' the leopard let loose a snarl and began racing across the roof tops like a fish through water. She was a blur of silver and blue jumping from roof top to roof top with ease, one of the silly plated men missed a step, an easy mistake but a deadly one, a full six hundred pounds of leopard landed on his back, sending the man down quieter than most would expect, the air knocked from him. A powerful paw scooped off the helmet in a single strike and soon silver maw was drenched in ruby red, the idiot mans neck broken and punctured by powerful fangs. Usually her people wasted no meat but there were two others to catch and so she ignored the desire that blood bought to the forefront of her mind and began the chase a new, she didn't know why she'd killed that man, she didn't care why she would kill the other two either, her Alpha had commanded it and it would be done, she'd find out the reasoning later if he deemed it necessary to divulge to her at all. This was a good start to the day, hunting, properly hunting for the first time since she'd been taken from her snowy home and all that resentment and anger, all that fear came bubbling to the surface, urging her on. This time though she knew their tricks so this time she wouldn't be so easily caught.