Liam's efforts to find a wall seemed to be entirely fruitless, until at long last his fingers did find a solid surface. It was either not-supernatural bullshit as it felt like a normal modern wall, or it was cleverly disguised to feel that way. With a little following it, he eventually stumbled to a source of light, however dim. Trailing past some doors he could finally see the exit, and could quickly surmise that the building hadn't necessarily been changed around him, just his perceptions of it, and simply following the wall intently had brought him out of it. --- Cora's blind attempts at the buttons did eventually result in the door opening, into an actually [i]lit[/i] section of the building. It looked otherwise much the same to how the section below did while lit, but it showed different numbers on the room doors that indicated that they were a... few stories up? Yes, they were on the first and these were clearly third floor numberings. Now, while this area was lit, it was still very poorly so, with only a few flickering lights every so often, although Cora and Kaya could both see that there was a cluster of them not far off, staying on clean and clear, near a room they couldn't see the number of. --- Nova's panicked sounds were not met by anything normal, instead she she continued to freak the fuck out she could hear the hissing of snakes again. Getting so... very... close.