The schools will be centered around the practice of the sword, and I'd prefer to keep this fact as the main focus of the Roleplay. Since the roleplay will take place probably in Kyoto, however, nothing keeps you from attending another Dojo for the bow, or knowing it already. While the Katana was important, I know from researches that the two first important weapons of a Samurai was Bow and Horses. The reason why I keep the focus to swords, however, is because it will take place in a time of peace. The roleplay will start after the clans war. After the Tokugawa clan became Shogun, and a year after the Japan closed it's borders to any outsider and kept anyone from leaving. Like I said, though, nothing keeps you from including it in your character. :) IMPORTANT EDIT: I just realized something really important. A mistake of mine. I created two different Interest check, and one of them had differences. Important changes, so to say. I just edited modified the first post to put them in. Without it, some of what I said may have been misleading before. There will be two rival schools in the town, and the Roleplay will focus around that! It's written on the first post now. :) Sorry. x)