Only moments after the little girl's arrival with her exciting news, both Fran and Telthris alerted to the sound of an approaching car, heads turning simultaneously to watch the unfamiliar Toyota make its way hesitantly along Grassy Lane. The driver made a quick jerky motion with her hand that could have been a wave, but it this distance it was hard to tell. She could have been shooing a fly... Tel's head tilted with interest, curiosity bright within his eyes. "Looks like you got your wish Franny, you've got a new neighbor." He drawled, watching as the Camry turned into the driveway of 116. Turning his dark eyes back towards the seven-year-old, his lips once again quirked up in a small smile. "why don't you run home to your mom and get something tasty started to bring over as a welcome gift?" He watched as Fran's big blue eyes grew even wider and an excited grin lit her face brilliantly. As she turned to begin running back towards her house, number 115, she let out a delighted squeal of, "Oh! We can make her tuna noodle casserole! My favorite!" A deep chuckle Rombold pleasantly in Telthris's throat as the blonde girl streaked excitedly away from him, Giving his head a gentle shake as he witnessed her actually leap in joy. Eventually, his attention turned back towards The woman who had climbed out of the Toyota, Turned in the direction of her new house and appeared to be studying it. The pleasant color of her hair unexpectedly stirred A distant memory deep within him, Something about... But no, grasping at the tendrils of thought was like trying to hold on to smoke and the impression slipped away from him. Perhaps it reminded him of something from his other life.... Giving his head another firm or shake, he shrugged out of his work jacket, revealing a simple black T-shirt beneath, and after discarding the clothing in the front seat of the rabbit began to make his own way down the street at a steady jog. With a furtive glance around him to ensure that no one was looking, Tel increased his speed to just over The average human velocity, Streaking down the sidewalk and only slowing his pace as he drew level with 114, Returning to a leisurely jog. "excuse me, Miss, do you need any help bringing things in? I'm Telthris, I run the Bran's Mechanics at the end of the road." He called as he came Close enough for hailing, coming to a stop while he was still a few feet away