A United Empire "God save our gracious king Long live our noble king God save the king Send him victorious Happy and glorious Long to reign over us God save the king O Lord, our God arise Scatter his enemies And make them fall Confound their politics Frustrate their knavish tricks On Thee our hopes we fix God save the king Thy choicest gifts in store On him be pleased to pour Long may he reign May he defend our laws And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the king Not in this land alone But be God's mercies known From shore to shore Lord make the nations see That men should brothers b And form one family The wide world o'er From every latent foe From the assassins blow God save the king O'er him Thine arm extend For Empire's sake defend Our father, prince and friend God save the king" The anthem finished and King George smiled warmly. Two world wars, a depression and oppression, and the Empire still lived on, better than ever if one asked him and indeed, the people. The general elections had come and gone and the votes had been counted. It would have been sooner, but there had been delays... Clement Atlee took the paper and opened it, reading it aloud "The first election of the United Empire has chosen a new Imperial Prime Minister." The crowd fell silent, who would it be? Anyone could be in power, who had won the campaigns? There had been so many, so much talking and debate. "The majority party is the conservative party, placing Sir Winston Churchill as imperial prime minister!" A shock victory! It was thought the countries apart from the British would not have supported the conservatives, but the opposition had under estimated the conservatives. Not only had Winston Churchill still got considerable support for his part in the war, particularly in the predominantly non-white nations of the UE who were well aware of what their fate would have been under the Nazi's, but he had asserted many policies that he thought would fix the damaged economy of the Empire. The war had ended five years ago, and the UE was keen to build its economy back up and turn its self into an industrial powerhouse, a shining beacon for the world. This would require heavy investment, of course, and would by no means be a simple click if the fingers... But it was a start. George stood from his seat, ready to appoint the new prime minister to power First actions of the Prime Minister The new prime minister has congratulated the UEAS President on taking a hard line with the Nazi's, stating "We would fight them on the beaches, we would fight them in the street, but we would never surrender to arms. We thought the same of our allies, and today you have proven it." however, he proceeded to comment of the UEAS occupation of Germany, and how it was ironic that the UEAS rejected facism yet treated Germany in a way one could say was oppressive. A bill has been drawn up for the UE parliament proposing the first of Churchills economic policies, it is currently being heard UESP Churchill space center had been named without the express consent of Churchill or even the government, Timish had wanted to use a name that was inspiring, and who better than the famous war leader? Now he had been elected, his space program had garnered some fame by association. After recent UEAS successes, public interest was piqued a little, and Timish noted there was a small increase in the calls for higher funding for the UESP... If he could make his own success, then maybe he would receive more funding And so it was, with the parts his program had, that he would launch the first UESP mission. They began to build a rocket propulsion laboratory, and began to assemble the first rocket: [i] Imperial One [/i]. It's details are currently being kept secret to the public. Timish himself is secretly hoping that NASA will make its findings public, saving him the trouble of having to send a probe up to acquire the data himself now that someone else has beat him to the punch