(Work In Progress) [hider=Drëkav][b]Nation Name:[/b] Drëkav [b]Ruler Name:[/b] (Figurehead) Michen Drest [b]The Statistics Box:[/b] (Since you didn’t give a specific system, I’m going on a 20 point system (Twenty points total spread out on all the [i]major[/i] attributes I could think of.)) Research and Development: 3 Army: 4 Economy: 1 Industry: 2 Crops: 2 Population: 2 City Development: 1 Culture/Religion: 0 Law Enforcement: 3 Political Freedoms: 0 Civil Rights: 3 Exports/Imports: 0 [b]INFLUENCE:[/b] Leader isn’t very popular, but the large military (Ten years of required service) and trained secret police keep people too afraid to try and fight back [b]WEALTH:[/b] The economy is fairly poor, due to the high taxes and strict regulations on everything save home life. Homeless rates would be high if homeless people weren’t killed. [b]POWER:[/b] Powerful Military for a nation of its size, and it’s constantly trying to improve upon technology, often giving them the upper-hand militarily, along with numbers. [b]Terrain:[/b] For the most part a northern country, most of it is not arable, the southernmost reaches are where all the farms in the entire country reside, and they barely support the population. The country is also mostly surrounded in mountains, which keep it isolated and well defended from attack, which is why they’ve never been successfully invaded since the nation was formed. [b]Exports and Imports:[/b] None. Drëkav controls mines of Copper, Iron, and salt. As well as stone quarries. And so has no need to trade. [b]Civil Rights:[/b] Peoples of all genders, nationalities, races, or whatever else, are treated by their income and their ‘use’. [b]Cities:[/b] Cities are centered around a massive bell tower. Around the tower is a large semi-circular courtyard, which doubles as a crude sun dial, as the tower’s shadow is cast into the courtyard. Planned Cities are also built for maximum protection of the central tower, and the governmental center located behind it. The City Garrison is typically near the ‘main’ entrance to the city, one side of which is either part of a wall surrounding the city or is planned to be. There are currently three cities: Krëp, Doun, and Dainl. Krëp is the capital city, and houses one fourth of the entire population of the moderately-small nation. [b]Government:[/b] The Government and how it works is largely unknown, and the common people simply refer to it as ‘The Hierarchy’. Nobility knows what the government is, and how it operates. Michen Drest serves as the figurehead of the government and would be mistaken as the ‘leader’ by the common peoples. [b]Military Service:[/b] Military ultimately focused around Honor and Duty. People who desert, or fail to complete their ten years required active duty (Outside of uncontrollable medical conditions, EG: Being paralyzed) in most communities will get you shunned. Ranking is not determined by merit or intelligence, but on skill in battle, up to a point. There is a certain point where “Deremas” (Name subject to change, I don’t have the phonetic translation sheet nearby) the government’s special agents and personal body guards, hand pick promotions. It is every soldier’s goal to reach these hand-picked ranks, for reasons listed before. [b](Not sure on a good title here.):[/b] Locally, nobles run the show, with their massive wealths and large castles. They often run their provinces feudally, but a few nobles are nicer, allowing people to actually own their houses and simply pay a small tax per working person living there to the noble, who then in turn pays money to the government. However, the people still ultimately end up with very little money, since the Government spends its money controlling every aspect of the country, which requires a massive amount of funding. This is highly detrimental, since only nobles then have the money to afford businesses that can hire more than one or two assistants. This leads to people serving in the army for longer than ten years often, as they are payed a very minimal untaxed salary and don’t have to pay taxes for a home, as they move with the army. Ultimately, the average citizen earns barely enough to feed themselves and maybe one child. [b]Celebrations and Events:[/b] Any outdoor events must first receive approval by the mayor of the town, or, should it incompass multiple towns or a large well-known town, the approval of the local Noble must be obtained. Cities must receive approval from the Hierarchy themselves, which is done through the local noble. The only nation-wide offical event is ‘Year break’ which lasts an entire month. [b]’Year Break’:[/b] In order to keep the population from starving, a Census is taken in the middle year, where newborn children and pregnancies are counted, as well as the number of individuals who are too old to serve in the military or work in the mines. On the last month of the year, the number of expected children by ‘Year Break’ is decided, half that number of older people are selected (To account for likely deaths of babies, and executions are also included in this number), and hunted down and killed throughout the month. Single parents, former high-ranking military veterans, and Nobles are excluded from this list. Homeless and people with Debilitating diseases are automatically selected first. On the first day of the month, all the new laws made that year are announced at a required-attendance ceremony in every town and city (Multiple times in the cities, but only the first is required.). The law announcements are made so no person can say ‘They didn’t know’. [b]Labor:[/b] Prisoners and extremely poor families that can’t afford to go back into the military work the farms or the mines, depending on physical ability, former rank, and location. They’re paid in not needing to pay taxes and food, instead of money. People who work in these sad places can never afford any kind of frivolities, and live sad miserable barely-existences. [b]Why do people follow?:[/b] A combination of fear and respect for the government prevents revolts. People fear the military, the secret police, and the Deremas provoke pure fear if one is thinking of committing of even pickpocketing. As, most of the time, the penalty for crime is death, and one less name that needs to be drawn. An uprising would simply be suicide, as there’s barely enough food to go around, and raiding farms does a good deal more damage than most people are willing to cause. Any organized rebellion would end in a week or less from lack of food, and no one knows where the people in charge of making laws is actually located. [b]Deremas:[/b] The government’s agents, both secret and not, effectively. Young children that show some unique physical or supernatural ability are drafted into training until they are twenty-five. The training process is unknown, but even the most compassionate little children come out cold blooded killers that could kill their own mother without batting an eye. They are typically armed with a crossbow, a medium-length narrow sword meant for speed, a number of knives, lock picks, and powerful martial art skills. They serve as envoys, assassins, bodyguards, diplomats, you name any official government position that is of power or external affairs, they serve it. However, there are typically only about fifty at time. [b]Foreign Policy:[/b] Isolationistic. If the government of Drëkav can avoid any kind of foreign reliance or situation, they will. They choose to do their best to support themselves by themselves. Their army is kept mostly as a deterrent to bothering them. But should someone threaten them, they will not hesitate on a full-out invasion of the offending nation [b]The Bell Towers:[/b] The bell towers serve partly as watch towers, the start and end to the work day, a crude clock, and multiple other practical uses for a large tower. In emergencies, the tower serves as a haven for the first groups of people there. The towers are typically square, fifty feet by fifty feet, and around a hundred fifty feet tall. Typically split into five floors, the top two are restricted from the general public if they somehow find times in their lives to visit it. [b]Population:[/b] Population is highly mixed, numerous human and B-human races inhabit the area. Cross breeding isn’t uncommon, and it’s become uncertain which was the first race there as well. The Census reports typically estimate around three million expected individuals at the end of ‘Year Break’.[/hider]