Full Name: Nikolai Arkaden Age: 23 Alias: Reverb Appearance: [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/33m7h9w.jpg[/IMG] Alias Appearance: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/zx2uqb.jpg[/IMG] Alignment: Vigilante/Villainous (He can be changed into a Villain if he agrees with the cause of whomever attempts to persuade him.) Personality: A fun loving ex delinquent capable of both good and bad things, he has no problem using weapons or harming people to the extent of hospitalization. He cares for his friends greatly though he may not show it. How you got your super Powers: Super Powers: Sonokenesis (The ability to manipulate sound into force/energy, the ability to increase how loud something is, or to speak on a lower frequency/hear on a different frequency Weakness: Rooms devoid of sound, general human physiology. Character Flaws: Can be aggressive on the battle field even overly so, has a tendency to drink, troubles sleeping. Weapons: Retractable bow staff on his back, metallic glove covers. Home City: HighRise Stance on Crime: Any criminal action can be met with as much brutality as he feels necessary.