Narcia cursed herself for getting in a position like this. Danger wasn't abnormal for her. She was a lone travelling performer, after all. But she had definitely screwed up this time. At first she had struggled against the rope that bound her to the others, but she quickly realized that she wasn't going to come loose. She'd accounted for this when the commotion first started by discretely placing her dagger into the body of her lute. She figured the bandits would search her and find it deeming her possibly too dangerous. However, she wasn't counting on them taking the lute and putting it so far out of reach. In hindsight, of course they would, it was part of their spoils. But at the time, things weren't so clear. A bandit approached her as she recounted how useless she'd been. He knelt down in front of with a sinister smile plastered on his face. "You," he said while poking her in the shoulder, "you we might just want to keep." He laughed as he moved himself even closer to her, "you know, you're very pretty, but what's with this cloak?" He pulled the hood away and with a better look at her face moved his head toward her neck. Narcia cringed just at the thought and without thinking thrust her forehead with full force crashing into his nose. The headbutt sent the man reeling backwards with surprise clutching his face, blood pouring through the fingers. "Keep me, and you'll all be dead by the end of the month." Narcia retorted, not really thinking about the position she was in as the man drew the axe he had at his waist, a crazed look in his eyes. "You bitch." The man started walking toward her, the fist around the hilt of his axe white with his rage. Narcia's pulse raised but she wouldn't give that away, glaring at him with the same stony expression she'd had from the start. "Who in the hell do you think you..." The man's gaze drifted. Instead of looking toward Narcia, he looked behind her toward the bar counter, the anger in his eyes replaced with something that seemed more like fear. Narcia heard a dagger clatter on the ground and the sound of an arrow let loose, thankful that the bandit in front of her was provided a sufficient distraction. However, she had no idea what it was, considering her current position had her back to the commotion, and being tied to several other people severely limited her field of vision. She felt the man tied to her back attempt to push away from whatever was behind her to no avail. Narcia began struggling with the rope again when suddenly the door to the bar burst open in an explosion of sound. She looked wide-eyed as two men came rushing through the door, both brandishing weapons that they thankfully aimed at the bandits. A rescue wasn't something she was counting on, but she certainly was happy with the timing. She took a moment to revel in her luck before she saw the bandit who she previously angered turn his attention toward the man clad in armor. Before he could move, Narcia remembered the bandit's oversight in tying the group together. Her legs were free. She swung her right leg as hard as she could towards the bandit's as he started to run. The sweep connected and the man toppled forward onto the ground and Narcia smirked. That was definitely going to bruise, but it was worth it.