[center]Drinks and food of various kinds was passed through night club as hours passed like minutes. Finished plates, empty mugs, and a plethora of garbage scraps made their way through a service window into the kitchen. The music faded to a stop as the dancing blue android concluded her dance in a rhythmic and nimble climax involving several twirls and leaps. The mechanical swordsman followed suit, coordinating his magnificently placed movements with those of the dancer. I a grand finale, the blazing swords were spun through the air and recaptured just in time for the conclusion of the final song. There were several quiet moments before several faceless people, who had appeared from nowhere gave an applause that lasted for a minute or two. Once off the slowly condensing stage, the androids replaced their cloaks and stepped through a door at the back of the club. Suddenly, without warning, the nightclub was a oak and cobble tavern again with wooden tables and candle lit fixtures. Grogg had vanished at some point during the performance, leaving in his place, hanging over the edge of a sink in the kitchen, a very small white apron. "Well hello there ladies and gentlemen! I trust you've all had an eventful evening. I see a few fresh faces and dry whistles. So how about breakfast and a show?!" The hefty menus in the various places of the pub disappeared, quickly replaced by a new set of slightly smaller menus. Listed on the pages were all the many morning meals of the universe and then some. Meanwhile, several more faceless people began to enter through the front door. They weren't actually faceless. They we're merely unspecific in character, being an assortment of humans, robots, and beings of all kinds. The hearty laugh of dwarves accompanied the fickle chuckles of elves while a party of humanoid lizards shared broth and meat by the fireplace. Grabbing the poor little penguin from beneath the crowd of legs and feet, Sin placed Gumbo on his shoulder and appeared behind the bar counter with a mischievous grin and clasped hands. "Boy it sure got packed in here...didn't it my little friend?" Asked Mad Mad Sin to the penguin on his shoulder, brushing off his tux and straightening his top hat.[/center]