Bolin had plenty of faith in Korra and Asami, they would be able to patch things up. After all, before "the thing" happened, they had been getting along fine. Bolin was sure that Korra wouldn't be hurting Asami, it's not like Asami was the one at fault anyway. Yet on the other hand, he didn't see Asami as the type to attack Korra either. Sure, both ladies were stubborn and proud but the earth bender was confident that they'd keep things pretty civil. [b]"You worry too much, bro!"[/b] Bolin laughed again. [b]"They'll be fine, they'll gush about shoes and skirts and whatever else girls talk about."[/b] Boys? Erm, maybe that wasn't a good topic for them. As they continued to walk along through the streets which were almost looking as they once had a month ago, Mako mentioned Korra. [b]"Wha-what about us?"[/b] He tried playing innocent but he knew the shoe didn't fit him. Bolin knew what Mako was getting at. [b]"I don't know, I think we're better as friends, I think that's what she needs now: a friend..."[/b] He shrugged a little. [b]"I tried and I failed, it's no big deal. I can't hold a grudge for how Korra feels, well in this case...doesn't feel."[/b] He frowned a little. She and Bolin hadn't talked about it, Bolin wasn't sure if bringing up the past would help Korra or not. He was hurt but he wasn't angry or spiteful. He was trying to move on while keeping his personal feelings in check. He didn't want to get hurt again, not when he hadn't finished recovering. [b]"She's a great person, well I mean she does have her flaws, she can be a bit thoughtless and rash but...I still think pretty highly of her, I wish I could help it."[/b] - - - It would take Asami quite some time before she fully trusted Mako and Korra but the first step to rebuilding any relationship, was trust. Even just a little bit could go a long way. Asami took note of the blush still looming on the Avatar's face as she began to conquer the nasty topic of Mako and everything that had recently happened. She listened as Korra began to explain how Mako and Korra didn't have a great first encounter but soon warmed up to one another. Fire could be tricky. Korra took a bit of her muffin before continuing. She admitted the kiss had felt amazing which made Asami's eyes narrow. Not because of the kiss per say at the moment, but that Asami couldn't even remember the last time she and Mako had kissed. And she wondered just how amazing hers used to be. The girl then continued to say that she was the one who instigated the kiss and that Bolin happened to find them and the rest tapered off. Korra then asked how she felt about Mako and Asami folded her hands across her chest, sitting back a bit. [b]"I don't know how I feel about Mako or you for that matter."[/b] She said. [b]"Mako and I are on...slightly better terms but as far as my feelings go, they're very conflicting and my heart says one thing while my mind says another."[/b] She said. [b]"I just I knew why you did what you did. You knew I was with Mako. And you know Bolin had feelings for you. I mean, Mako knew how Bolin felt and it just doesn't make any sense to me...why you two would be so selfish and hurtful to those closest to you."[/b] She glanced off and pressed her lips together. Asami had already decided she wouldn't get a straight answer from Korra or Mako, neither of them could really make logical sense as to why they kissed, aside from attraction. While the topic of Mako was making her even more anxious and upset, Asami knew the air hadn't really been cleared yet. And they wouldn't fix everything over one tiny meal either. [b]"Look, what's done is done. You two kissed, I think we can all agree it was a mistake."[/b] At least she hoped Korra saw it as one. [b]"But thanks to it, I have to wonder what was wrong with me, why I wasn't good enough for Mako after everything I'd done, I suddenly had to keep proving myself to him and to you. To be honest, how I feel about Mako isn't your business until we're friends, if we're friends...I think the best thing is to deal with us and forget about the guys."[/b] - - - Lin heard about Meelo and Pema's state of condition, as well as Tenzin's leave of absence from the council. While work was keeping the woman busy, she knew she needed to see the family and make sure they were alright. She had stopped by her own home to pick up some food she had made in the morning. Once she got what she needed, she was quick to make her way to the pier. The boat reported that it wasn't taking anyone over, due to the family's request. But she and Korra and a few select others were given the "okay" so Lin was quickly taken over to the island. She hadn't seen Tenzn since their last visit when he walked her home. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to help but she knew the gesture might do something. Once she arrived on the island, she quickly sought out Tenzin. She knew his usual haunts and found him getting up from one of the meditation plots. He wiped his face and dusted off his robes and she caught up with him, no longer hanging back. As much as she wanted to make a joke about him being too emotional, she couldn't bring herself to do it. [b]"I'm sorry I haven't come sooner."[/b] She said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Lin meant it, she was sorry, even though she wasn't great with feelings, she knew she should have been a more supportive friend. [b]"I brought some things."[/b] She held up the package which contained a nice hearty stew her mother used to make, as well as some books for the kids who could probably use a distraction, as well as a small blueberry cake. [b]"If you want to get some rest, I can look after them."[/b] Them being the kids or the two who were ill. She really wasn't sure what to say. Most would say that everything would be alright but she wasn't one for false hope or empty words. She didn't know the future so she couldn't lie and predict it.