[center]Daniel Wordsworth[/center] Long dark lashes fluttered at the abrupt meeting, a hand rising over his mouth as he thought aloud, "Well. Rather introverted isn't he?" Daniel turned instead to Stanley, offering a smile and a shrug, commenting with, "Well, it seems so. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. He seems friendly enough." There was a pause before the taller male shrugged and sheepishly added with, "in his own way." His eyes turned then to the girl that'd decided to join the sausage fest, raising a notepad. Offering a large smile, Daniel answered, "Well, not much seems to be happening here, it seems." A light laugh escaped his lips as he tucked a bit of his slightly damp hair behind his ear. "Our new neighbor doesn't seem too keen in visitors," said Daniel as he started to walk off, turning slightly as he started, "I'm just about to head out and help Jin with watering the plants. Would you like to join me?" He paused then straightening as he covered his mouth shaped in a small o of shock. "Ah, but you don't have to, of course," he assured. "It [i]is[/i] almost lunch time, isn't it? I wouldn't want you two to work rather than eat." --- [center]Adonis "Andy" Ring[/center] What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the - FUCK Andy sat up straight, spitting out the spoon that'd been forced in his mouth. He had been frozen from surprise, shock, indignation, [i]fear[/i]. Who does that? Who just ups and strolls into people's fucking homes like that? Who just straight up shoves spoons in other people's mouths? What the fuck?! Breathing heavily, Andy reached a hand over his chest, trying to even out his breathing. He felt suddenly rather closed in, the bandages covering him seemed to tighten as thought trying to suffocate him. In frustration he hurriedly ripped off the one around his arm, barely slipping out of it before clawing at his throat with one hand, the other ripping away the bandage on his forehead. Covered in unwrapped gauze, the brunette wandered around his apartment aimlessly, heading first to his balcony and locking it, tugging at the curtains and shutting them, an immediate darkness covering his home. As though walking on air, he made his way towards the rooms and shut the windows there as well, flicking on any open light shut, surrounding himself in comforting cool darkness. Reaching for his phone- he didn't have many familiar contacts, a few being some of the tenants and the others being clients- Andy called for a familiar friend only to reach voicemail. Fighting back a retch, Andy put his phone aside, heading back to his pile of pillows. By now his bandages had fallen off completely, strewn across his apartment and revealing the bruises and scars around his neck, the sloppy tattoos on his being. Staring at the pillows Andy shook, quickly rearranging them before completely tossing them aside. The pile reminded him too much of the invasion. Giving up on the pillows, he made his way instead towards the small room, pulling out the futon as well as a blanket, curling himself up instead. Everything itched. Just calm down, he told himself inwardly, shutting his eyes. Fall asleep. Forget.