[quote=Chrononaut] But the Yokudan island sank beneath the ocean...and Redguards are Yakudan descendents. It's a dead race. I don't think there was anything implying anything besides magical sword building prowess. Wouldn't Dwemer be more accurate? The guys who literally have soul powered death bots? It's implied the Yakudans were technologically advanced AT THE TIME but it's been a long time since that specific nations existed.Also the 9/10 children thing has been contradicted by the Altmer having crazy low birth rates. The last time that was even mentioned was in the first pocket guide to the empire booklets of Redguard, a game made 16 years ago (there have since been new additions). Though it might also be implied that they used to do that, but not so much anymore. Then again, the 1st edition of the same guide is later said by the 3rd edition that the 1st edition was FILLED with human propaganda (3rd edition was provided with Oblivion). So there's that.http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Pocket_Guide_to_the_Empire,_3rd_Edition/ForewordMentions that much of the first edition was lies. Right now the 9 out of 10 altmer thing contradicts their birthrate of maybe 4 children in 1,000 years.WHY IS A FAN MADE PICTURE ON THE WIKI, WHO WOULD DO THIS. (They actually have a copyright disclaimer saying it's from bethesda so I'm gonna investigate)Edit: As far as I've found, that image is concept art from Oblivion. THANK GOD [/quote] Not technology advanced, culturally, there is a bit of a difference, the only things that survived would be their architecture (still ahead of what the imperials at least are capable of) their agriculture/irrigation, the main reason they can even thrive in Alik'r, and their seafaring skills. (And their warrior culture and advanced martial arts of course) Side note: why do you keep saying Yakudans? o.0 Also there is evidence at least not all of Yokuda sunk into the sea, since a; that much land mass displacing that much water would have Nirn wild consequences and would have certainly been felt in Tam, but there is no mention of any devastators during that date that would sink up, B; explores apparently still travel to Yokuda and return, hence likely one of the reasons Bethesda keeps putting the place on the map. Certainly something happened there, but as to why the Ra gada came to Hammerfell specifically, we're kinda still in the dark