[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/BJzMDC5.jpg[/IMG] Replace three-headed dragon emblem with the emblem of the Archadian Empire [b]Height — 6‘3 | Weight — 198lbs | Hair Color — Silverish White | Eye Color — Red[/b] [b]Name[/b] Emperor Vincent Orgull Darcone-Archadia [b]Age[/b] 25 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Occupation[/b] Commander-In-Chief; Emperor of the Great Archadian Empire [b]Race[/b] Hume [b]Personality[/b] Emperor Vincent of Archadia is a very imposing man. He presents himself with such authority and grace. His posture is always at the very best and he is never slouched, which is only matched by his ability to sway others to his side. He believes that to win you must do so with force. In adding to that, Lord Vincent of house Darcone prides himself in his appearance. Thus is his given middle name, Orgull, which roughly means pride in foreign languages. Lord Vincent is sexual, he is lustful, and he does so with pride. He goes after any woman he spots when he’s out through the city. He will claim them as his as they are his since they live in his country. Vincent also has eyes for Savayna, but he dares not touch that due to issues it would cause in the work place, but he lusts for her. Vincent expects his subordinates to honor him with the highest regard. In Archadia, those who serve under you show the highest regard of respect, so he will expect the very same out of those very same people, which he does get, so that’s not a problem. Vincent boasts loudly with a clear cut Archadian accent. He does not shy away form the truth if it means getting to the point. He takes pleasure in watching others squirm in his presence cause he knows that, with just a few words, he could have them banished. He loves that about his job. However, when it all comes down to it, Vincent really loves his country and thinks that what he is doing really is best for it. With that said, he rules with an iron fist and wouldn’t have it any other way. --------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/1k4glHJ.png[/IMG] [b]Height: 5‘5 | Weight: 110lbs | Hair Color: Blonde | Eye Color: Blue[/b] [b]Name[/b] Savayna Glacie [b]Age[/b] 24 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Occupation[/b] Top General of Archadia’s Imperial Army/ [b]Race[/b] Hume with Viera ancestry [b]Personality[/b] As cold as she is beautiful, Savayna presents herself with a cold stillness that only can be followed by harshness and cruelty. She views those of lower rank as meaningless insects who need to learn their place. Should they not fall in line like good soldiers, she will not hesitate to embarrass them to prove her point. She only admires one person and that’s the Emperor of the Archadian Empire, Vincent Orcull Darcone. She views him to the highest regard. Some would even say that she has a huge crush for him, which is true. She lusts about him when she goes to bed. Savayna loves the forcefulness that her country is putting against the lesser ones. She loves violence. And yes, she is a very cold-hearted bitch. That much is plainly obvious. Anyone who knows her would know that about her in an instant. She does present herself in such a manner that everyone fears her and as they should. She knows she will not hesitate to kill them if they question her orders cause, as it is with every general, their word is only as just as their leader that gives it to them. So, with the will of the lord of her nation, she extends that very will with her words and sword. [b]Skills[/b] As a general of the Archadian Empire, Savayna had incredible feats in combat, and strategy. She can maneuver her body with grace and flow to which her opponents don’t even know what to think that her next move will be. She has been able to implement her magic into her fighting style, automatically dubbing her as the “Ice General”. Furthermore, her ability to come up with strategies is only matched by the Emperor himself. She truly is a formidable foe to anyone that opposes her. [b]Magic[/b] Blizzaga, Flare, Haste, Slow, Immobilize, float Wither, Poach, Bonecrusher, 1000 Needles [b]Weapons[/b] See appearance; She calls it the Ice Queen. She also has the Ice Shield -------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/uFEIliq.jpg[/IMG] [b]Height — 6'0 | Weight — 175lbs | Hair Color — Moderate Dark Green | Eye Color — Grayish blue[/b] [b]Name[/b] Michelangelo “Michel” von Sicarius [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Occupation[/b] Ass to Savayna, the General of the Archadian Empire’s Imperial Forces [b]Race[/b] Hume [b]Personality[/b] Michel is quiet, doesn’t speak a lot. He is also reserved in his movements and presence. He has a very stillness about his nature and he thinks things inside his own mind and just picks the right words to use when talking. He is this way when fighting. He is quiet, stealth-like, and just very tactical. However, when he gets drunk, and trust me he does, he let’s loose a bunch of words. He turns on the vulgarity switch to ultra-high. So, there’s something to watch out there. His relationship with his boss, Savayna is a weird one. He respects her, but she always finds a way to make him mad. He does not show it cause he would rather not lash out on the person that pays him. It’s better to suffer in silence than lash out in noise. [b]Special Ability[/b] Aura Manipulation: Every member of Utena has their own unique power that makes them an asset to the organization and Michel is no different. His ability revolves around the manipulation of the subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or object. Due to his high spiritual and emotional persona, he is able to use the ability of aura manipulation to increase his natural abilities such as mental fortitude or awareness of illusions. He can also use it to attract or repel the aura of others, sense other auras, and project it. The types of auras are located along different parts of the physical body. He can adjust certain auras to his emotional mood. [hider=The Seven Auras] Red: Through the usage of the red aura, Michel’s body upgrades itself into fully-enhanced physical condition. What this means is that Michel is always at the peak of what his body is able to achieve. Added to this, thanks to his elemental connection via his extreme mastery of Black Magick, Michel is able to project his aura in forms that resemble Earth Aura, which allows him to manipulate the earth and its various sub-substances that are around him. Orange: The usage of the orange aura is purely emotional and as emotions sometimes differeniate between forms, so is the elemental connection. In this, the level of which his power is depends on how much he is feeling certain emotions. As it is with that, his emotional connection takes the form of anything water, which ranges from water manipulation itself to snow and ice. In some cases, Michel has shown steam manipulation to be one. Well, at least the aura of said elements and sub-elements. Yellow: The yellow aura is all Michel. It generates his own aura based on his own self and it can be manifested in various forms. Through his elemental connection, it manifests itself in the form of fire aura to which is nearly limitless. He can use such an aura in forms of waves, blasts, a defensive countermeasure. Hell, he could even use it to take flight. It’s really his own, so he can mold it into what he wills. Green: The green aura is calm, it’s free. It deals with the aspect of healing Michel to complete health. It regenerates his body from any wounds he will sustain during battle. His elemental connection of this color presents itself in the form of Air Aura, which allows him to be free in the air and use the wind as his guide. He can warp the winds to protect him, increase his speed, shot gusts of it at his opponents. Pretty much, Michel wields the wind at his every call. Blue The blue aura is wise and gifted with enhanced intellect. It is the strategists best friend and Michel uses it as much as he can. He retains some of the influence it gives him and it’s his most used one aside the yellow aura. He has used this aura to work his way up in Ivalice and make a name for himself, as pointed by Savayna. Elemental connection-wise, it deals with the Electricity Aura, which presents itself as blue static, which he can manipulate with his will. He can create his own, borrow it from the skies. He can pretty much do anything he wants with it, but he does not prefer to use the elemental connection part of this aura mainly cause he views it as barbaric. Indigo The Indigo Aura is purely mental and spiritual. It is how Michel is able to track people or objects of certain people he wants to find. It’s how he is able to keep control of his abilities and everything that revolves around them. He can further it by projecting himself spiritually around Ivalice. He can even communicate with others when he is meditating, though only when he is using this aura. For the elemental connection, he is a beacon of light and darkness. He can mold both into his hands and release attacks and other usages that fall under it. Though they are both opposites to each other, Michel wields them as if they were two sides to the very same coin as they are , actually. Where he can project light he can also do the same with darkness, but inverted. Violet: The Violet Aura is all about the reading of other auras and gaining information through that process. That would mean getting the levels of their emotions, health, and gain info on their abilities. Furthermore, this aura also raises Michels’ awareness which can include spiritual awareness and also awareness of illusions, which probably could explain why Lola’s powers never really worked on him, not really anyway. The elemental connection deals with cosmic and space-time manipulation, which also extends to gravity. On the cosmic side of things, this can range from summoning meteors, asteroids, stars, and other spatial aspects, as well as storm-like phenomena that occurs in space such as cosmic storms, stellar winds, and solar flares. On the space-time side of things, he can warp himself between dimensions and appear behind someone in a matter of seconds, he can make things heavy or light on a moment’s notice, repel things or attract them to him. He can also deflect and crush things. [/hider] [b]Skills[/b] Being of the Assassins/Thief/Rouge class, Michel is fast , agile, and knows how to move quickly when needed. His style of fighting as well as the skills that follow are stealth-based and fast strikes. He also is pretty good range-wise, so watch out for that. [b]Magic[/b] Being as skilled as he is, Michel has mastered all time and Black Magic. He’s also moderately proficient in Arcane and White Magic, which means he has access to some level two tier spells in both of them. Expose, Libra, Steal, Sheer Traveler [b]Weapons[/b] [list] [*][url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130703141346/finalfantasy/images/a/ac/ArtemisBow-ffxii.png]Artimis Bow[/url][/*] [*][url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130703233023/finalfantasy/images/6/62/Danjuro-ffxii.png]Danjuro[/url][/*] [*][url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130704172515/finalfantasy/images/a/a1/PlatinumSword-ffxii.png]Platinum Sword[/url][/*][/list] [/center]