Okay, think it's time to introduce the other three characters I'm using. Name(s): Sam and Max Looks: [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/Sam_%26_Max_Hit_the_Road_artwork.jpg[/img] Game: Sam and Max Hit the Road RP Sample (Sam): "I think now would be a good time to mention we're Freelance Police officers. Ergo , we call the shots around here...Great Galloping Glutenous Giraffes! Just put away that handgun fella, and no one has to meet my representative from Smith and Wesson." RP Sample (Max): "Ohhh, you're fun! Way better than that Leonard guy we had locked up in our closet for awhile. Hey, you wanna play Kidney Punch? The way you play is I punch you in the kidneys until you cough it up, and then I win!" Weapons: Smith and Wesson revolver (Sam) and Glock hand gun (Max) I'm treating Sam and Max as one character btw, like Nintendo treats the Ice Climbers as one. Anyway, onto-*static* spi hee, sappin yo servr Name: The Spy Looks: [img]http://tf2wiki.net/ww/images/9/90/Spy2.png[/img] Game: Team Fortress 2 RP Sample: "Ah, gentlemen! I can tell by ze look on your faces vou did not expect me. Zhen again, I expect anyone vould have zhat look on zheir faces vith a knife against their backs. Now Zhen, hand over ze intelligence, and no von gets hurt..." Weaponry: Ambassador (very large revolver), folding pocket knife, Dead Ringer, Cloaking Clock, and French accents. Alright , last one. And just for funzies, I'm making it a veteran character (which we seem to be lacking, bar Link) and it will be woman. Get ready for... Name: Samus Aran Looks: [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100616103153/metroid/images/7/7a/Mom_vignette.png[/img] Game: Metroid RP Sample: "Everyone behind me , now!...Alright you bastard, see this armor I'm wearing? Damn near impenetrable, and it's packing lasers, missiles, smart bombs, and just about every other thing that could kill a man you can think of. I'm not gonna stop you from fighting, but there's no way in hell I'm letting you lay a finger on my friends. So bring it in, I've taken down bigger things than you in ten minutes." Weaponry: Arm Cannon, smart bombs, heat seeking missiles, remote control missiles, regular missiles, laser whip...You get the point.