Harper pulled away from her father a little when she heard the familiar voice of her best friend. The smile spread, lighting up her features as she turned to face Walker and his cousin. A quick pass of her fingers brushed some of her bangs out of her face, tucking them neatly behind her ear. That set her into motion and she started off to meet up with the two boys. "Hey," she said. The look on Forest's face tickled her, mostly from the staring he was doing like she were some oddity or something. As much as she tried to stop it, a soft giggle escaped her when he stuttered. She took his hand and gave it a proper shake. "Howdy. Nice to meet you as well." She looked between the two boys. "Either of you want some help with the luggage? Walker..?" Her gaze fixed on him more mostly because she knew her friend and she was lucky for him to be awake enough to cross the yards. Mr. Parker stayed where he was, watching the three. "Good morning, boys. Going to stay out of trouble, right?" He had that 'dad look' on his face, the kind that was a little too knowing and like he was trying to will good behavior onto the group.