Ben checked his GPS. "Damn, we are getting way out into the sticks, aren't we." he said to himself. At least the scenery looked nice. Both of Ben's parents were stuffy, stay at home types, and so was Ben to a point. But all of these gorgeous homes awed Ben. His only thought was that Harper's family must be loaded. [i]"After 100 yards, turn left, foo!"[/i] said the Mr. T GPS, and Ben obediently turned left, coming to the driveway of an amazing looking house. Harper was there, along with two boys Ben's age and an older man, probably her dad. As he pulled his car over, he hoped that this wasn't all some big mistake. Ben was surprised Harper had his phone number, why on earth would she invite him to a party? Still, there was no turning back now, unless he wanted to look like a massive fool. Ben got out of the car and walked over to the four. Trying to think of something cool or socially acceptable to say, all Ben came up with was "Hi."