The suns golden rays crept through the window, prying through the slightly tattered shades of a some-what decent house. The blinds where pure and white and minus the occasional broken piece, seemed in pristine condition. A large white cat jumped onto the seal of the window and crushed a few more of the white slats. Soon a set of small, pale, and slightly boney hands dug them selves into the creature warm fur. "Hey Snow." A gentle voice scowled. "You are ruining my blinds." The owner of the voice was a petite woman named Lilah Burgoti. Her face showed more youth than she had, even though she was still quite young, and was partially covered by thin wisps of ,recently dyed, red hair. Her face was as pale as her hands, the sea of white broken up by scattered light tan freckles that underlined her multicolored eyes. Oh yes, her multicolored eyes. They were the one thing about her appearance that she prided in. A light sky blue around the edge met with a burst of golden yellow and scattered flakes of emerald green. She loved her eyes. The bony hands lightly tossed the cat to the white carpeted ground as honk rang from outside. "Thank goodness" She smiled. She skipped outside and was met by a face similar to hers but slightly older and with solid blue eyes. "Hey!" She breathed and with a quick pass off of keys she slide into the strangers car. The car roared to life and she peeled out of the drive and headed down the road. She watched as the clouds rolled over the hood of her car as it skipped across black pavement. She pulled the car into a familiar shop and slammed the door of her car. She opened the door to the store and gave a big wave. "Hey Si!" She smiled cheerfully. "Hey Sadie" She said with quiet enthusiasm. She scuffled over to the dog and gave her a good scratch behind both of her ears. "How are you doing?!"