[quote=MysT3CH] I've actually got an idea for how all our characters can have an opportunity to meet each other at the start.I was thinking that I could have Avris, and Noreille, if your up to Reno, host an sort of mini Mobile Suit convention. While Avris would be trying to showcase his handy work and raise his shops profits, perhaps it could serve as an local attraction which draws all our characters into the same area of town?Thoughts, objections, etcetera? [/quote] Not a bad idea. On that note; I updated the character list this morning, and have combed through the Int Check to make sure I didn't miss any. If I did indeed miss one, please let me know and I will rectify it. The IC should be starting soon. Onarax and I have been ironing out the details for how the early plot will proceed, as well as readying everything that needs to be figured out before we can start the proceedings. Assuming we can maintain a reasonable degree of productivity, we should be able to start sometime in the next forty eight hours. Hopefully sooner rather than later.