[i]The seas are in turmoil. An enemy long since forgotten has arisen once again and plans on conquering all that dwells below the surface. His minions are many and strong, their numbers growing for every mer captured as they twist their flesh into mockeries of what they once were. His Kraken destroying and kidnaping whole cities. The lord himself condeming whole swaths to poison and decay. The kingdoms are losing this war, their spirits are breaking, and their patience dwindaling. However there is still hope. The lords of the oceans, King Neptune, War master Carcharodon, and the Deep Witch Cirrina have all called in a counsel. It is decided that a small group will go on a journey to find the one thing that can defeat The Lord of the Deep and finally end his reign of Terror forever. Yet it is easier said than done as the weapon has been lost for centuries and the whales have gone into hiding, fearing for their lives. You and your allies are the most capable in the eyes of your respective lords, you may not be a warrior of unmatched skill or a witch of incredible power but for one reason or another you have been chosen. The quest is clear, find the whales, get the weapon, stop the tyrant. Arm yourself and steel your spirit, your journey begins now.[/i] --- Basically whats going to go down is this. Evil master guy wakes up after thousand year slumber and blah, blah, blah. The dudes evil, that much is clear. Your job is to stop him and his army from conquering the oceans and causing your deaths or if your truly unlucky, transformations. Now some ground rules [hider=Rules]1. Basic rules apply. No godmodding, don't be a dick, and respect others. If there is any problems solve it either in the OOC or in the PMs, if it gets pretty bad I will step in. 2. I want a minimum of 2 paragraphs per post. 3. No speed posting. Minimum of two posts need to go by before you can post again. 4. I'm pretty understanding, if you are going to be gone for awhile just tell me and on that note I'm not expecting a post every day. One every other day is cool with me. 5. I don't tolerate bullying of any kind. [i]Ain't got nothing nice to say than don't say jack shit[/i], as quoted from my Dad. 6. When I am gone, SaraRPs will fill the role of GM. Fallow her instructions. 7. Romance is ok, but keep it PG. If you wanna take it further go to the PMs.[/hider] With that out of the way lets get some water dwellers down in here. [hider=Merpeople]The merpeople are the most numerous of the underwater people. They also are the most advanced from weapons to education. However this is only because they are fairly unremarkable compared to the other water dwellers found in the ocean. Their skin is soft like the humans of the surface and their scales aren't much better. However it is their ability to adapt and their resourcefulness that makes them great. Because of this they have the most potential of all the underwater dwellers. They could be warriors, politicians, sorcerers, or anything else they could want. [u]Facts[/u] The mer are as varied as they are numerous with varying degrees of fishiness to their looks. Some are identical to humans from the waist up while some have more fish like features. Merpeople are on the smaller side, typically reaching 8 to 9 feet in length and only about several hundred pounds. Mer magic is aimed towards the cultivation of life and healing. Nymphs are those who dedicate their lives to this cause. The main features that the mer find beautiful are healthy hair, vibrant scales, and singing ability. Merpeople are the only known dweller species to make cities.[/hider] [hider=Carcharia]Aggression, honor, and strength. These traits are what define the Carcharia, or shark born. The Carcharia are a warrior society with emphasis on warrior and not much on society. However they are honorable creatures and their word is their binding resolution. While the mer made their cities, the Carcharia were content to stick with their nomadic tribes and old traditions. While this makes them a little backwards they aren't malicious and as said before they hold honor higher than anything else. [u]Facts[/u] The features of the Carhcaria are angular and more predatory than the soft ones of the mer or the sagely grace of the Deep Ones. The claws and teeth of the Carcharia are as effective as any weapon made by the mer. Carcharian magic is pointed towards the enhancement of the body and communication with their predatory allies, the sharks. Those that fallow this path are known as Shamans. Females are almost a full head and shoulders longer than their male counterparts. With the females usually 11 to 12 feet in length. Males being smaller makes them slightly lower on the social ladder, however they fill the role of hunters and protectors of the home. The Carcharians have little use for outside appearances. If you are shown to be strong and honorable, than you are beautiful in their eyes. The Carchairans don't form cities, instead they have nomadic tribes ruled by a chief. In dire times a Warmaster is chosen to lead the Carcharians into battle[/hider] [hider=Deep Ones]Mystic, mysterious, and reclusive. The Deep ones are few in number but great in magical ability. Stories of sea hags and sirens both stem from the powers that come from these people. The Deep Ones have been hit the hardest of all the underwater dwellers.The Lord of the Deep destroyed many of their covens, taken most of their people, and defiled the Currents of Change with foul magic. However this all pales in comparison in the knowledge that it was one of their own that took the mantle of Lord and tarnished the name of Deep One. Now they face discrimination and scrutiny for the very magic that has helped so many. [u]Facts[/u] The Deep Ones are the most alien in comparison with the other dwellers. They can have completely normal faces but than have tentacles that flow from their heads. However that is usually an extreme case, usually there is only a vague difference that hides behind their graceful faces. The bottom half of the Deep Ones is that of a octopus. These tentacles are dexterous enough to act as a second pair of hands and strong enough to give a Carcharian a runs for its money. The most outstanding trait of the Deep Ones is their affinity with the Currants of Change, a powerful source of magic. Deep Ones who can dance with the currents can weave masterful illusions or cause the currents around them to act as weapons by making powerful currents of water flow in one direction. However the most powerful aspect of the Currents of Change is, well, change. Adepts can make one thing another or even change a dweller into something else, like say a human. Deep Ones see the mind and personal spirit as the most beautiful things a being can have. Deep Ones form Covens, if that. For the most part they are secluded from their kind for one reason or another.[/hider] [hider=Character Skeleton]Name: Age:(Late teens to early thirties) Species: Appearance:(Pictures are good but I still want some writing, give me measurements and things that don't show on the picture.) History:(Give us a good idea of where your character comes from.) Personality:(You don't have to be a carbon copy of your species but your species does imprint. Keep that in mind.) Equipment:(Carcharians don't make weapons, neither do the Deep Ones. However they will pick up stuff they can find.) Other:[/hider] --- Any other questions? Ask me.