******************** Ryomi Fiett Leitannia vs. Bloodshot (Match 1) ******************** Both of her legs were now all used up in their offensive capabilities for the time being, but on the bright side she had recovered from her missed sword swing during that time so would be able to carry out another swing at any moment. She had planned on using this chance offensively, perhaps striking against his exposed neck, but she noticed him pulling back his staff to deliver another hit. Properly defending herself took priority when she was already too banged up for comfort and had no guarantee that he could be killed in that armor before he managed to carry out his attack. She lowered her raised leg out of the way as she swung her blade from left to right, diagonally downward to clash against the staff aimed at her hip. Before she could do anything else she was sent flying overhead, then smashing into the rooftop. She used her freehand to help her from knocking her head into the cement, but it was still quite a painful experience. As soon as possible she turned to the right and swung her sword at his arm that was holding onto her ankle, hoping to cleave his hand off in one fell swoop. Meanwhile she used her floatation ability to try and fly as fast as possible in the other direction to make sure he couldn't pull her into the blade's path before her attack could be completed. ******************** Evvie vs. Aurelia (Match 1) ******************** Evvie was sturdy enough to not be harmed too badly by the interception, maybe a bruise that she'd quickly heal, but far more importantly it did manage to halt her powerful attack, so it was still a major surprise to be able to do even that much. Perhaps that weird magic of hers was able to make her much stronger than the average human was capable of, at least in that single blow she had made. She had to admire her impressive feat of strength. And here she thought she was just fast and had magic. The girl's eyes were indeed strikingly beautiful, but it wasn't like red eyes were strange enough to completely distract her when she met very strange things on a weekly basis during her travels. She was distracted by the lecture, however, and it was quite irritating. She gritted her teeth. That big meanie! Who was she to say such things? She wound her right fist back to hit her while they were in such close proximity, but the woman's hand movement worked it's magic, literally, before the punch could be unleashed. The metal of her top armor cracked, but managed to remain intact, as she was sent flying backwards. She tried to use her wings and tail to slow down and right herself but it was too difficult in this situation and she ended up taking a tumble backwards anyways. At least she was able to correct herself enough to get onto her feet after only two rolls across the ground. She briefly examined the new cracks in her armor, wondering if it made her look more cool as some sort of a battle scar would or less cool because it was now in worse shape and proved she had taken a ton of damage. Whatever the case this woman would pay for this one way or another. It was her only article of clothing that she owned, having nowhere to carry anything else. She put her attention back to the woman. How to proceed when all of her charging attacks failed? She didn't want to carelessly just start spouting fire for fear of causing serious injury. Then what other method of attack did she have at her disposal? Her environment...and then it clicked. She was strong and there was plenty of objects to use her strength on. The rocks! She let out a smile at her cleverness as she picked up a rock a little larger than her head, an effortless task for one such as herself. She lifted it above her head and then flung it towards the woman. Without waiting to see if it would hit her, she rushed over to another waiting rock and threw that one as well, keeping up throwing rocks of various sizes as long as nothing was done to interrupt her.