[quote=MrDidact] Well I would write those kinds of consequences so yeah that would happen. It would just need to happen organically and make sense in the narrative, not just for the sake of drama. What I'm trying to get at is that the League is regulated by law, as such they follow a few procedures when it comes to killing like cops. They can't hunt someone down and kill them, they can't shoot a guy if he's no threat but if the chips are down and lives depend on it they can kill. That doesn't mean it absolves them of political or social consequences but they'd be within their legal bounds. [/quote] well there are plenty of people who hate the police and when you add superpowers to the mix then I can see plenty of people being afraid and hating them. Some heroes would be hated more than others if they are very violent, also I could see xenophobia against superhumans happening, after all people fear things that seem dangerous.