Castitas made her way to the edge of the lake, sighing sadly for a moment before trotting off back into the woods. She found the rabbit hole, it was dark and full of spiderwebs, a large black spider the size of her chest lay in the center of it's nest. She picked it up cautiously, not wanting to be bitten by it's venomous fangs, but it was an obstacle non the less. "I'm sorry for removing you from your home, but in order for you to live, you must make sacrifices..." The way the spider moved, it almost seemed like it nodded with understanding, crawling away into the bush. "Did it just-? No, I must be exhausted." She wiggled her way into the hole before eventually getting stuck. Her hips stopped her from moving further nor retracing her steps. "Damn it!" She swore out loud, not caring if it was against her holy rights. "Damn you womanhood! Damn you rabbit hole! Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!" She admitted in her head that she did feel better, but that didn't solve the problem of her current situation; her- ahem- behind was far too big.