Strongarm stalked the night with Berserker, a tall male with a feral disposition, by his side. "Doesn't look like all the rubbish have shown up yet." Brecht said, referring to some of the other master and servants based on the small group he encountered back at the church. As he contemplated the state of the HGW, he absent mindedly collided with a stranger, sending the pedestrian backwards and onto the ground. "Huh, my bad." Brecht quickly apologized to the fallen Japanese male whose gaze moved back and forth between himself and Berserker, apparently frightened by the two. The man picked up his feet and scurried off muttering something incoherent "These damn Japanese are starting to get on my nerves, why doesn't anyone here speak English? Maybe that's what I'll wish on the grail; to have these ingrates learn some damn manners and speak the American language like everybody else," Brecht was only half-serious for he was un-authorized to make a wish upon the Holy Grail, only to obtain it for his superiors. "Hmpf, I must have lost my mind, What gullible idiot would believe in a magic cup that grants wishes? How absurd," Strongarm motioned towards the silent Berserker. While he did not believe in the Holy Grail, he was by no means ignorant of otherworldly magic for he was a mage and he had summoned Berserker personally however the notion that the Grail was omnipotent was frankly ridiculous and unlikely. For there had been other winners of the War in the past; if the grail was all it was hyped to be, why has there been no abnormality in the balance of power in the world? Any individual with the grail could wish to be Gods, to have the world remolded in their image, bend others to their will etc yet nothing on such a widespread scale exists and power can simply be bought through military might and wealth. This was the rationale of the American Officer Brecht Strongarm. Yet doubt lingered in his mind, while he may not believe in the grail, Berserker was summoned with the promise of obtaining it therefore he naturally must believe in its power. Strongarm motioned towards the silent servant "Hey, I've been thinking. Why do you desire the grail?" He received no reply. "You wet behind the ears? I asked you a question" Berserker continued to ignore the American and focused his gaze elsewhere, "[I]The side effect of Mad Enhancement is a total bitch. Just what the hell is he looking at?[/I]" Brecht followed Berserker's gaze to a woman across the street, whose notable assets could be admired even from this distance. Moreso considering the Asian race weren't exactly known to excel in certain areas. "Yeaaaah. Don't see how that can possibly have a happy ending, Time to bail." While Brecht was deep in thought, Berserker already made advances towards the female causing the Magus to streak forward and clasp his arm over Berserker's shoulder only for the servant to wave it off with ease and move forward. At this stage, Strongarm was more than a little aggravated at Berserker's lack of discipline. "For crying out lud" Curling his hand into a fist, he lunged at the seemingly unsuspecting Berserker. Had the latter been any normal human, he might have missed the slight disruption in the wind; Berserker turned around and caught the punch with little difficulty, the resulting clash oddly creating a minute shockwave around them hurling some of the nearby pedestrians to the ground, much like before. Strongarm felt as if he'd collided with unbreakable steel and was impressed by the servant's strength "Not bad, guess you're stronger than you look at least." Berserker was notably much less impressed as he dismissed the encounter completely and turned back to meet his prey however the woman was nowhere to be found. "Whoops, guess we must have caused quite a commotion." Brecht grinned after a display of false ignorance, fully aware of this inevitability when he made his move towards Berserker. That smirk was quickly wiped off his face as the air surrounding Berserker seemed to grow cold and the faint sounds of growling were audible; the soldier's senses were on high alert as he surmised that he might have just royally pissed off his greatest asset, "Give me a break. Going after that chick would be nothing but trouble. How's about I make it up to you over a drink. I've got a keen nose for the good stuff, even in a backwater country like this." The tension dissipated nigh-instantly at the mention of alcohol. After what seemed like hours later, Berserker motioned towards Strongarm and spoke ".. Lead the way already..." clearly satisfied with the proposal. "Good grief." The magus replied as they searched for the nearest bar. Brecht having long forgot about his previous inquiry as to Berserker's intentions.