Jaakuna had mixed reactions when the two Viera said what they had to say. It was definitely interesting to say the least. They were pretty much offering him a big sum of cast to go after some chick. If it wasn’t for the fact that they seemed to have already got B’Darmon, Jaakuna would have just shoved them out of his way, but alas that is not the situation that the sky pirate finds himself in. So, he listens to them. He first listened to what the male one had to say and then the female. He did gather what their names were by what they addressed each other as. The male was called Vlyn and the female Aloa. Pretty weird names, but then again, who ever heard of a male Viera? Jaakuna sure hasn’t. As he took in all of what they had to say, the two of them seemed to be in slight disagreement. One of them said it was a favor, but the other protested and said it was a hunt. Jaakuna could agree with that, but he didn’t say anything until they were done and they were done when one of them handed him a big bag of gil. It was so full of gil that Jaak could see that the bag itself was about to tear from the amount of gil within the bag. At this point, Jaakuna’s eyes were widened by the amount of gil. Jaak was gonna respond to the deal itself, but he couldn’t help himself.[color=ed1c24][b] “OH MY GOD ! A MALE VIERA! HAHAHAHAHA!”[/b][/color] Jaakuna had then busted up laughing as he had to drop the bag of gil on the ground. The laughing continued for a good few minutes. It got so bad that Jaakuna was literally crying because he was laughing so hard. It took him a good minute to get it all out of his system. [color=ed1c24][b]“But seriously, you’re really a wonder to behold. The only male bunny around. You must be so happy!”[/b][/color] Jaakuna said just poking fun at Vlyn. As he picked up the bag of Gil, wiped away some tears of laugter, and stood up straight, Jaakuna spoke. [color=ed1c24][b]“So, who’s the target you want me to kill? A war criminal? Crime Boss? Corrupt politician? C’mon, I don’t have all day!”[/b][/color]