[hider=SHSL ???] [B]Name:[/B] Lucas Archwood [B]Super High School Level Talent:[/B] Super High School Level ??? [B]Super High School Level Talent For Realz This Time:[/B] N/A, or "Super High School Level Faker" if you wish. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k602/lightning421253k/1C182DAE-994A-4BC1-8B34-15A91D227518_zpsddnzgkpy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Lucas doesn't really think of life as having any real meaning to it. Not in the sense that he can kill people with no remorse, but more in the sense that there's no such thing as Fate's master plan going on behind the scenes. Rather then use this belief of his to be an asshole who doesn't care about other people, he uses it as a reason to be a decent human being and cherish every moment of his life. Sure, he knows how pessimistic and unfair the world really is, but he's chosen his own set of values to make meaning out of and sticks to them, no matter how pointless, impractical, and non-rewarding doing so would be. After all, if we're all gonna die why not give as many people the warm and fuzzies while we're at it? Demeanor-wise, Lucas tends to act like one would expect of a person with his type of worldview. He's friendly enough and quite serene and relaxed because he believes he's got all his crap together, he can be a bit too lax, too quick to forgive and forget which tends to lead to disappointment and frustration (or death) when people would choose to exploit this. Furthermore, while there's not really evil or particularly dickish to people he meets, there's something that's pretty off about him. He doesn't know why himself, but he doesn't think that he's on the 'same level' as the rest, and not in the positive, 'I'm better than you' way. More the 'I can't help feel that I'll never be able to catch up ever' sort of way. He also has this tendency to help people out no matter how inconvenient it would be for him. All these factors, plus his lack of concern about dying since 'just living is enough', makes for a very volatile combination [B]Biography:[/B] An unexceptional existence with no significance to the world. A student with no true skill or renown. A fictional Super Highschooler. A [i]faker[/i]. Lucas Archwood isn't a proper Super Highschooler in the sense of other students. His 'true identity' is nothing impressive at all, just an average individual who had been drifting through his whole life with no meaning, no personal drive nor reason to go on yet still trudging through despite it all. All things considered, had things not turned out as they had, this particular young man would continue on that road of averageness. However, one day he got a letter in the mail speaking of his acceptance there. He was nothing but a nameless student with a connection to the town where the story of the 'famous' Lucas Archwood took place, yet he was chosen to 'become' that person by the academy. How could such a renowned academy make such a glaring mistake as choosing an average, unassuming student to act in place of a true Super Highschooler? Simple: The original Lucas Archwood never existed in the first place. Lucas Archwood was an invention, a blend of details from the lives of many nameless and forgotten child prodigies who had achieved great things. The fictional Lucas was a boy without any real identity, his birth is unknown, and his story was only told through world of mouth. His past was falsely forged, and while it was likely there actually existed someone with the name Lucas Archwood and several similar others who did the achievements he was attributed, by the time his registration came around, their names had been forgotten and achievements blended together to create the false existence known as "Lucas Archwood" [/hider] 1/3