Isabelle had been relatively quiet the whole trip, her earphones plugged in her ears. She was so immersed in her music that she had to be told twice that they had arrived at their destination. Not long after did she find herself in a large, theatre-like area. She seated herself in the back, heeled boots clicking on the floor none too softly as she made her way. Her dark hair was long and wavy, framing her light-skinned face. She wore black jeans, a red tank top, much like the shade of her lipstick, and a black leather jacket over that. She had idly played with her phone, communicating with old friends as the elevator rose. The howling wind made her finally look up. She watched the doors open it with mild interest. The monitors read "REMAIN SEATED." She felt the urge to stand up just to piss people off. The idea was seriously considered until armed soldiers came into the room. They made their point clear: this was serious. A woman came out next and began to speak. She couldn't help but smirk as the girl next to her jumped and dropped her belongings. Nonetheless, she helped her pick them up as the woman continued. "I'll admit it. You're a bit different than a gun. You're autonomous, which makes you even more dangerous. By whatever freaky means, you've procured yourself a rather strange gun and embedded it within yourselves that no one has been able to remove successful... yet. After all, the supernatural is simply what science has yet to understand." [I]Blah, blah, blah. Come on lady. Stop showing us blueprints and let us go to the dang place already.[/I] Isabelle thought to herself as the woman took out a device and displayed a hologram of the school building. Her next descriptions made nervousness fill Isabelle. They sure seemed to invest a ton of money into security but was it to keep people from coming in or to keep them from going out? This sounded more like a jail. No power here? Now that simply wouldn't do. This crazy bitch needed to be fully introduced to Isabelle Beaumont. She sighed as their little journey continued. "What the fuck am I doing here," came a sigh from nearby. Isabelle kicked her feet up on the chair in front of her, "Right now you're putting your face in your hands and sighing." She said lamely.