Pre-1959 Raised in the northwest, his family moved to Empire City to start a new life. after several years his parent split and slowly his home life deteriorated. His Mother moved back west to become "A Star" where she was never heard from again. His father a Drunk worked at the factory twelve hours a day everyday. The time he spent not working he filled with either drinking or eating. Growing up he saw police officers as idols and did his best to do well in school to hopefully one day attend the academy. After highschool, age 17, he was turned down due to his questionable citizen ship. For a price he could join, $5,000. For a short while he tried to earn the money but in the end decided to fight crime on his own. 1959 He wore a green cape, a black eye mask and welding gloves and went by Quick Punch Kid. He fought small time criminals for almost a year until he got his first real break. While out on patrol he caught two men breaking into the bank the security guard lay knocked unconscious outside the doors. He quickly retrieved the mans revolver and headed inside. What happened next would change his life. in self defense he shot and killed on of the suspects. while seriously wounding the other. Afterwards he got his 60 seconds of fame. He was a small celebrity with his own comic book that had two issues before being shut down. 1960 - Then Vietnam broke out and with it his fame left. He joined up with the Army and volunteered to be apart of a new military unit. He spent eight months religiously training, and being trained. He was put into an outfit called "Hero Squad" They were the tip of the spear leading the assault their identities were concealed behind masks, he wore his traditional one, it now being made out of a smooth metal. They were the moral boosters. And elite fighters, if one died another would take his place with out anyone aware of what had taken place. 1960-1965 His squad was in over three hundred individual engagements, and countless covert ops operations. One of his rotations stateside he met a girl, who he fell in love with. His next trip home he had gotten her pregnant. 1966 - The woman he had been with gave birth to two children fraternal twins. 1968 The enemy was smart, agile and ready to do anything. He was stationed in Hue at the time giving a rally to help improve the moral of the 200 measly soldiers that resided there. What ensued happened to be the largest battle of the Vietnam war. They held out in the center of town for thirty days until their reinforcements had arrived by then the Vietnamese army was peaking at Seven thousand soldiers. Gary William Campbell at the time known as once again "Quick Punch Kid" led the counter assault , which lead to the massacre of nine thousand indigenous people. Civilians, soldiers alike were killed. After that battle he was simply known as "Hero of Hue" to the soldiers 1977 - finally being rotated out of the frey and back state side things had taken a turn for the different. The war had become incredibly unpopular in the last few years. Even with Americans on the winning side. Many gruesome photos had leaked out. Some included the Hero of Hue, and from then on. His Alter Ego The Quick Punch Man, became the Butcher, or Butcher of Hue. 1978 - As Vietnam Ended so did his squad with no more replacements he was the final member left. And as such he was again a momentarily sensation. 1977-1979 Following years he worked for the CIA in various countries almost spending no time in is real persona Gary William Campbell. He would follow the president as personal protection or he would be used as figure head to the veterans when it came to re-election. These two things also earned him the names "Kennedy's dog, and Overwatch" Though if he were asked he'd simply say "If you want to call me the butcher then do it, because that's what I did. But I'll never be another man's dog." Present - He currently resides in a small single story house which he has filled with momentum of his past, Vietnam and his former family.