Treaty banning the use of weapons of Mass Destruction After a day of due deliberation, parliament agree's that weapons of mass destruction should be forbidden. Both Winston Churchill and King George VI sign the treaty agreeing not to use nuclear weapons, although the UE government has stated it will maintain a supply WMD's as a deterrent to foreign usage of such weapons Soviet Union The UE has accepted the non-aggression pact but has rejected the idea of a world alliance, stating that the UN, established in 1945, already fills that roll well enough UN Resolution The UE put forwards a resolution which requires approval by the UNSC (FEP, UE, UEAS, China and the Soviet Union make up the UNSC permanent council members, so I could the aforehere mentioned please vote in their next post? Thank you) imposing economic sanctions upon the Chinese and dispatching aid workers to help search for survivors from the Espacio De Vida's ships that were sunk by the Chinese and return them home. The UN would also condemn the Chinese for sinking civilian ships, but will not state explicit support for the NUJ given their leaders status as a war criminal UE stance on the war The Imperial Parliament and Imperial Prime Minister have called for peace talks between the warring nations, stating that WW3 is "Not in the interests of any peoples on the globe" UEAS The UE has requested that the UEAS are careful on where they fire their Thor one probe in the Antarctic, asking that they attempt to land it in a specific zone of one of the UE Antarctic Territories (Formally the claims of New Zealand, Australia and the UK, now all considered UE claims, and together dominate a huge chunk of the Antarctic. After Brazil invaded Argentina, the UE added the Argentinian Antarctic territory to their own, officially "Safe guarding it until such a time their country freed". After UEAS took over Germany, the (at the time British) claimed the German Antarctic territory under the same conditions. They proceeded to claim the unclaimed Land. This gave the UE almost complete dominance of the Antarctic, with only Norway and the FEP holding any other claims, holding the small Peter I island and the thin strip called Adelie Land respectively. As a result, the UE have sent a map of Antarctic with many proposed landing sites, asking that the UEAS attempts lands their rocket in one of these locations to avoid possible injury to the UE researchers in Antarctica, but are also close enough to research bases that the UE can recover it and ship it back to the UEAS. The UE imperial parliament consider it a chance to make minor improvements to relations and aren't about to pass up the opportunity. To Espacio The UE parliament demands that you released Belize, a territory you have unlawfully taken. Belize rightfully belongs free of your rule and the UE is willing to fight for its brothers: Release Belize back to the UE immediately so that proper diplomatic relations may resume between our two nations. To the NUJ Make no mistake Dr Mengele, the UE do not support the war crimes you and your fellow Nazi's commited. Our actions in the UN are not approval of your regime but concern for the Japanese people in the case of war. FEP The UE have wrote a letter of concern to the FEP regarding the rise of an aggressive imperialist faction in south America that might threaten both UE and FEP land in the region UESP Now that the rocket propulsion laboratory has been completed, construction has began on an Engine Laboratory The "Imperial One" probe has been launched. Made of a liquid fuel engine (and obviously liquid fuel tank), its is carrying a thermometer, barometer, radiometer, spectrophotometer and a camera in addition to a parachute to help it land safely. It is to take readings of the conditions in space. Meanwhile, Timish is following the latest news from NASA intently, listening for anything of use. His son has started a charity and is touring the Empire looking for donations to help make up for some of the funding that they were not receiving from the government. With some luck his underfunded program might not explode...