We are familiar the political jousting, the constant scrutiny of the media, the threats of war and violence, the rise and fall of economies and the negotiations of great powers that happen behind close doors. Each day, nations would battle either through force or in the shadows for influence and interest. The political giants would challenge each other for more wealth, power and control. The balance of power would always change from country to country, region to region. In even the blink of an eye, a once powerful nation could crumble. It is not unusual to have revolutions and civil wars happen when least expected. This is the world we live in, the world we are most familiar with. But what you didn’t know that there are groups who work in the shadows. Groups who could change the course of countries, regions continents and sometimes even the world. These groups have never been known to the general public. Only the elites and the occasional conspiracy theorist know about these groups. They hold the lives of thousands of people and are ready to sacrifice them if needs to be done. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and ambitions. The interests of their groups are above the individual lives of their members. The masterminds, occult leaders and mad men that control these groups are cunning, malicious and deceitful. Some of the most triumphant and disastrous events in our history have been their doing. The few that knows about their existence and dares to expose them to the world usually disappear without a trace. These are the men of the shadows, the manipulators. Welcome to the Manipulators, the roleplay about the different groups vying for power to achieve their goals. These groups bounded by conspiracy would use every trick in the book including black mail, bribery, assassinations, false allegations and threats of violence. You would take command of one of these groups. You would manage them to make sure they are efficient and always loyal. Which means this rp would have some sort of micro management. It would be similar to the video game, [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_Genius_(video_game)]Evil Genius[/url] where you recruit minions and have the ability to train them into specialized fields. You will start with novice lackeys and further improve them to become brutes, infiltrators, diplomats or terrorist. Events will come up in the rp that you could take advantage of. You could make celebrity icons, multi-billionaire tycoons, important public figures and even world leaders join your cause. The end game for your group is to take control of the world and ensure that the interest and ideology of your group is fulfilled. However make one mistake and your group could be exposed to the world, ending your ambitions and hopes. Hope you guys are interested. Have a good day.