Anastasia sat in the fields picking flowers for the table. She watched as her small black dog bounded around in the flowers. She laughed at him appeared and disappeared in the tall greens. She filled her basket with the flowers, as her mother had asked, and tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. She stood as she noticed three horses and riders trotting along the road. Ana stared at them as they went, riding into town. She saw the green and gold and wondered what they were doing. Fyodor was a small town often looked over by maps and people alike. She was curious why three men of money would ride into town. Grabbing her basket, she gathered her skirts and ran towards the town. She took a short cut through the trees, ignoring the gathering filth and dirt on her shoes and skirts. The small black dog chased after her barking as the went. She looked at him as she ran, "Shush, Melor. I don't know why they are here either." She reached the cobble stone paths shortly after the men did and looked them over. Melor ran towards them and she quickly whistled. She was interested in their being there but she didn't need her dog bother them. Her mother poked her head out of the house and noticed Anastasia. She walked over to her and grabbed her arm, "Darling, you are a mess!" Ana looked down at her skirts and shrugged, "It'll come out with a wash," she looked toward the men and their horses, "Do you know why they are here, mama?" The older woman shook her head, "I haven't a thought," she started to pull Ana toward the house. Her dog followed barking. Anastasia stopped and picked him up, "Hush, Melor," she looked to the men and curtsied, "Sorry!"