Alan Slaggard and Micah Slaggard both adjusted their black suits as they strode into the hall with a troop of four bodyguards in full combat armor following closely behind them as the announcer at the entrance to the hall announced the arrival of the House Slaggard. Alan and Micah reluctantly made eye contact with King Laurent and gave slight bows before disappearing into the crowd of people that was filling the hall as the Grand Council drew closer. The Slaggard's were not known for traveling past their protected borders very often, so as they pasted other houses and nobles they received strange looks with their four guards following closely behind them with hands always on the pistols and batons that hung at their waists. They made their way to an empty section of the wall where their guards made a semicircle around them so that if anyone wanted to talk to them then they would have to be checked by the guards first. Alan didn't trust the Lyseli family to not try anything underhanded against a family which had made it a point to stand against them by rebuilding their defensive capabilities and even going so far as to built a space platform that doubled as a floating fortress in geostationary orbit over the Dulucan capital of Deca. "Remind me that we still need to make contact with Henry Callidum before this day is through and the sooner the better." Alan told his son as he scanned the crowd of people for any familiar face and was not able to find any. "Don't worry father. I can go find him if you would allow me and I can set up a time for us to meet after the Grand Council." Micah responded back as he also looked out at the crowd but for other reasons all together. He had noticed that many younger women where attending the Council and none of them were bad looking in the slightest with their flowing dresses on and if his father would allow him he would love to go mingle with them for a few minutes before the Council started. The leader of the House Slaggard gave a sigh as he knew his son's intentions but knew he couldn't control his son. "Just remember why your here and don't get lost. Also take a guard with you so that nothing happens" Micah gave a nod and than smiled at Alan before he pushed off the wall that he had been leaning against as he headed off into the crowd of people with a guard tailing closely behind him so that nothing would happen to the young heir.