Ivy had been errantly trying doors down the dimly-lit hallway when Jötz words finally caught up to her. She poked her head out into open space, dark curls somehow still dripping from her fall into the water, and made a face. "The Baron? [i]The[/i] Baron? Baron Wulfenbach? Why would he want me?" She paused to consider this, her fingers idling with a wrench she must have grabbed from the tool supply before or after the explosion (the explosion! The thought of it still made her want to giggle, but she refrained because Jötz had his serious face, which Ivy was pretty sure was happening more and more often) without thinking about. Her scowl deepened. "And what [i]I[/i] don't want to go with [i]him[/i]?" She had heard horror stories about the Baron and his floating castle 'o' Sparks growing up. Most of the children of Motorhum had. They were none of them particularly pleasant, but all, save for those slurred in dirty alleys by the pinch of town drunks, were spoken with a quiet reverence. The more Sparks the Baron snatched up, the fewer remained to terrorize the villages scattered amongst the Wastes. Still. Wulfenbach's skybound fortress might take her home, or on any number of grand adventures...or it might force her to spend the rest of her life fixing watches over empty patches of nothingness. No, Ivy much preferred to be in control of her own destiny. Besides. She'd rather grown to enjoy the company of her new Jaeger friend. Even if he had amputated her arm. She wasn't sure whether Baron Wulfenbach allowed for guests, and she wasn't keen on the idea of falling asleep somewhere with half a clank in her lap, then waking up alone on an unfamiliar ship. "I thought the whole point of going to the big cities was that no one would try to kill me," Ivy said slowly as she emerged from the last of the open rooms. She was staring intently at the wrench in her hands now, frowning as she chewed a lip. "If they're just going to try anyway..." She trailed off then grinned suddenly. "Well, they can try." She imagined a place where she would be able to build something -- some[i]things[/i] -- big enough to defend against the Baron's fortress. "Mechanicsburg!" she blurted suddenly. "Let's go there. How long do you think it'll take? I can make the engine go faster, I bet. And mount some cannons on the front of the barge, so we can blast [i]through[/i] the walls, instead of going around them. And -- " She glanced back over her shoulder to try and gauge his relative levels of excitement, and saw he was still pretty much centered on what he'd been saying. Impatient, Ivy exhaled and rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I understand. I won't tell anyone I'm a Spark." She scowled again then added impetuously, "And I won't go with the Baron. I want to stay with you."