[center]Cody Mensah and Lucy Coure[/center] Lucy tapped her chin thoughtfully, make a rather low humming noise as she thought of a good game that they could all play. Hide and seek probably wouldn't be a good idea, tag... Nah. Eye sp-! No, no that wouldn't be fair, and it would probably offend the blind chick. Running out of ideas, the child lowered her head and sighed. Nothing came to mind at all, she was probably still tired, but they could always play... That. "I have," she jumped up suddenly, one dainty finger raised high above her head, "an idea!" Lucy ran into her room quickly, leaving the two to converse while she rummaged through piles of clothes and toys, mind set on finding one particular item. Once her fingers wrapped around the familiar plastic hairpiece she grinned and pulled it fully out of the pile of clothes. It was a white and blue tiara, and some of the fake gems were missing but it was still pretty obvious what the toy was. She placed it on her head gently and then ran back into the living room, standing tall before the two girls, "We'll play 'Princess'! Who ever wears the crown is in charge, and the crown is passed around so everyone gets a turn!" She smiled, then returned to her seat, resuming her think position. After a while, she removed the crown from her head and passed it on to Kenzie, shrugging with a somewhat annoyed look, "I couldn't think of anything funny for you guys to do, so Kenzie goes first! You can tell us to do anything!" Lucy grinned and awaited the command, taking side glances at Stella to see if she was doing okay. Meanwhile, Cody was preparing to head home, stepping out of the back door of a family restaurant, wincing as he entered the warmed air and brutal sun. His hand was wrapped around his rather old flip-phone, and his thumb scrolled down across many missed texts and a single call from Andy. Huh, something must be up. Cody re-dialed the missed number and waited a few rings, all the while walking up the sweltering sidewalk with a sudden boost of speed. When no one answered he gulped, then awaited the beep to leave a message, "Andy, you okay? I'm heading home now, I'll check in on you after I see Lucy. If something is wrong call back." And with that he shut the phone and started to jog lightly up the hill, despite feeling the sweat build on his brow and the drowsiness from working.