[b]Death in the Famiy[/b] Josef has been murdered by a Chinese extremist. His son Josef JR has taken control and he has stated that the Fascism is over. The Republic of Japan is now who they are, and it will stay that way for ever. The NUJSA has been replaced with the RJSA, and now the NUJ is no more. Even with this, Josef Jr has stated that the war in China will continue but they ask that the UEAS stays out of the war, as the demands they have put up in the air where accepted. [hider=For the UEAS] My dad was killed by a Chinese extremist, the Nazi union of Japan is over, we are a republic, we know you are a democracy, help us right a constitution. Please. No blood should be shed between us. [/hider] [hider=for USSRGG/China ((IDK if they are 1 country))] Why is this war happening, we don't want to fight you! [/hider] [hider=For the FEP] We accept your treaty [/hider] [hider=For Allies] Even if we are no longer fascist we still want you to help us [/hider] [hider=For all] We would like to go to the peacetalk. [/hider] ((Next post for me will be the Newspaper))