Well that was quite the response to something so simple. Jupiter's expression stayed nearly the same the whole time, though he did shift again to move his head right in front of "Iral"s, widening his gaping maw. This fellow was going on and on about something to eat and trying to be loud or something. Well, Jupiter did not actually have to put up with that. "Do you eat Terran trash? Is that-" Suddenly Jupiter, and Iral himself, couldn't hear Iral over the tremendous noise that knocked Iral back against the wall with the pressure of a great wind. Alarms went off somewhere nearby, though no one could hear them over Jupiter's noise. It was low at first, a bassy mix that throbbed so slow and powerfully that Iral could feel the waves breaking against him, but soon the pitch rose to more understandable ranges and what it gained in frequency it also gained in volume. Standing right next to the trumpet from which the noise came, it sounded to Iral like the sound of a hundred trains in a tunnel, pounding through his ears and brain until he finished his rant and, a few moments later, Jupiter closed his maw and stopped his own noise. Jupiter moved his head away again, and Iral responded by laughing his fool head off. Maybe the sound had knocked something loose, or maybe Iral responded to fear with hilarity, or maybe the translator had managed to pick up when Jupiter was saying, but regardless, he was laughing. That was certainly better than talking about food in Jupiter's book. Too bad it would take a while for him to get ahold of himself, and Jupiter didn't feel like interrupting again. "I am sorry," Jupiter explained as Iral finally stopped cackling, "but you were going on about food and I was suddenly struck by the desire to call for a mate. I did not catch what it is that you were trying to say."