"You're clear to move from here, proceed with caution, my scan only goes so far." Illiana's ghost didn't have to remind her to be diligent. Gripping her hand canon in her right hand while she felt energy tingle in her left, she studied the corridor. There was a time - back on Earth - where negligence almost earned them a free trip to the Ethereal. The two were tasked with procuring addition space vessels for a batch of freshly indoctrinated guardians. The mission in its entirety was [i]nearly[/i] uneventful. Asurya remembered the moment well. While Illiana was out scouting the room that led to the abandoned hangers, she forgot to clear a room on her left. Several dregs were waiting for her on the other hand. The only reason why she was still alive was greatly owed to the traveler's gifts that she received; the other portion was Illiana. Ever since then, she grew to respect the hunters. Thinking them nothing more than shade stalkers and assassins, the senses and reactions of theirs were unparalleled. They were able to recover the ships. Asurya just left with wounded pride. Hearing her partner mention the Hive, Asurya gave Illiana a thumbs up. She hated the Hive. The common ones reminded her of dead corpses reanimated. A terrible thing to think about. She waited behind the huntress as Asurya's keen eye sight looked ahead. While she couldn't see what the darkness shrouded away from them, she felt something. Some alien presence - aura - permeating from the thickness. When Illiana finished her survey, Asurya frowned as she listened to Illiana's choices. They were both logical. Truthfully, she wanted to slip in and slip out. The extreme conditions of Mars was intolerable enough. Why add the Hive to the mix? Why anger the sleeping beast when it had not spotted them? But, what if they evaded the Hive and another fire team came to this location? The observatory, though severely run down, offered a tactical location for a permanent forward base on Mars. While the fight was concentrated on Earth and the Moon. Recently, however, the Vanguards had adopted the policy of expansion. While Earth wasn't anywhere close to being secured, the Hive remaining stubborn in the caverns of Luna, establishing footholds was sound. It was an insurance contingent should the worse every come to pass. An exodus with catastrophic consequences. Asurya sighed. Checking the clip in her firearm, she let a flicker of energy spread across her hands. "I'm going to smash those eggs with a bit of gravity," Asurya said. Willing for her ghost to come to her, she heard the sound of materialization. "My ghost will illuminate the way for me. You have night vision, right? Get somewhere where you can cover me. The Hive wouldn't leave their unborn offspring alone. I'll head to the controls and see if we can't warm this place up. Or at least our room for the night. Feel free to join me once the eggs are gone, if you'd like. I just offer a potential course of action." When she didn't hear too much of an objection, Asurya materialized her helmet and locked it in place. The darkness peeled back slightly, but she needed her ghost. Moving forward, she relished in the tingling sensation as her arm lit up with bright, sparkling, light of her arcane arts. When nothing approached her, her ghost illuminated the way before her as she quickened her pace from a brisk walk to a full on sprint. Forgoing stealth, she jumped into the air. As her body fell back due to the planet's gravity, seismic force smashed onto the cluster of eggs as energy imploded before her and created an awesome blue light. Hearing a shriek from behind her, Asurya spun around quickly as she fired off a round into the face of a Hive soldier. She heard a few rounds echo around her. She could only assume it was Illiana. Moving quickly to the council, she ordered her ghost to reactivate the generators that ran the heating and ventilation. When all was still, she felt another shudder ripple through her. She could feel them. They were coming. She opened a communications link to Illiana. "I think I woke the whole damn family," she said as she glanced at the console's reactivation process. "You might want to shift. Did you bring any charges along? We need to establish choke points until ghost finishes the reactivation process."