Hyakune su Jikankizami, Ra The trip to Sunagakure had been largely uneventful, with the only sound permeating the carriage being the wheels dragging along the ground and the horses that pulled it reverberating throughout the carriage. Empress Shoko had been lost in thought for the majority of the trip - and Ra had placed herself in a trance-like genjutsu to quicken the passage of time. If Shoko required her attention, she would simply interrupt - such was the Empress' right. The trip did, however, go smoothly onwards without any such incidents. While Ra kept herself in her meditative trance, she had arranged for the book that she had chosen for Remi to be delivered to its recipient, along with a note attached to the cover - "The Jikankizami applied the concept to humans. Can you?". It would certainly be a challenge, but it was enough to keep Remi busy for a long while, as well as develop her growing understanding of the deep sciences. Given the potential for error that Remi was prone to have with those that she did not understand and vice versa, it seemed to be an appropriate tactic to prevent her from engaging in any malarky or shenanigans while the official business within Sunagakure was conducted. Relations with the villages, given the news from Konohagakure, were more important than ever before. Kirigakure's spies had reported a growing discontent before messages were relayed with increasing scarcity - but all was not lost yet. The Empire's arrival in Sunagakure was, surprisingly, met with a pleasant reception. Either the news of the Rebellion's victory in Konohagakure had not reached them yet, or they were beginning to be more loyal to the Empire that provided tangible benefits than the idealistic crusaders that comprised the rebellion. Either way, the warmer reception was a pleasant change. As Shoko and Ra both exited the carriage, Ra followed behind the Empress, before she waved two figures over from a nearby building. "If you will excuse me, your Grace, there are some preparations I must make before I join you in the hotel." Ra offered, before bowing and turning away. Her conversation with the two figures was brief, but she fully intended to have her network of informants at her beck and call for the duration of their time in the Village Hidden in the Sand. Anything that could be done to ensure that the villages fell in line would be necessary in the coming days. After the conversation ended, the two figures returned to the shadows from whence they came, and Ra returned to Shoko's side, nodding to show that her task had been completed. As the trio entered the hotel and Yakoul claimed its own bed - as the creature was wont to do - Ra sat on the remaining bed, and turned towards the Empress. "Do you have a plan of action, your Grace? The villages will not be easy to sway, and they have proved to dislike the idea of a peace treaty. Their idealism seems to be infectious - but I believe it can be nipped in the bud. Kirigakure must be brought back into the fold, and Sunagakure must adopt to our ideals fully. It is a shame that this conversation even needs to happen - but apparently, there are those who cannot see the crusade for glory that masquerades itself as the Rebellion for what it is." The veiled woman opined, carefully regarding the cat creature in her periphery. "Oh - Yakoul - I do have a little task for you later, if it strikes your capricious fancy?" She added, almost as an afterthought, before returning her full attention to Shoko.