It took just about all the restraint Alexa had to keep herself from using her biotics to toss the salarian around and beat whatever information he had out of him. When Yarsin had first arrived, Alexa had stayed several paces behind Michael to stay as inconspicuous as she could. But the longer the salarian stalled, the more impatient she grew; she slowly started taking threatening steps towards Michael and Yarsin, charging a biotic field in her hand as she did so. But as the bullets started flying, Alexa couldn't help but notice that, had she stayed put, the line of sight would've been broken by a stack of crates and she might've dodged that bullet. She winced as Michael brought her down, bullets tearing through both Yarsin's head and her left shoulder almost simultaneously. [i]Shit.[/i] She had been shot countless times before, but she'd never been pushed out of the way of one. Years of physical training prepared her for the pain of the bullet, but the added shock of being pulled to the ground by Michael stunned her for a good second. She took a moment to reorient herself, as Michael - or Ghost, as she figured she should call him at this point - called out to Kali. As clarity returned to her, Alexa's mind began to race. She watched Kali charge towards the shooter's last known position, the voices of Aria and her Eclipse mentors from decades ago pounding her skull. Anyone that had had any say in her fucked up emotional development was now in her head, directing her on what to do next. Alexa shrugged off the wound and pushed Michael off of her. "I'm fine, and I know what I'm doing. You don't need to babysit me," Alexa almost spat at Michael, charging up a barrier around her to fend off any more attacks. That bullet had ripped through her shields and gone straight through her shoulder. Michael's medi-gel application would hold for the moment, but a wound like that would need some serious medical attention. But that was for later. "Fuck cover, I'm going after the shooter. I'll show him how to properly tear a hole in someone," she growled as she took off after Kali. The pain in her arm hadn't exactly subsided, but she'd have to ignore it for now. With her good arm, she pulled her Locust from its holster. Alexa's guess was that reinforcements would be coming shortly to clean up the mess the shooter had left, but that was somebody else's problem now. Alexa had one goal, and that was getting back at the piece of shit that shot her.