Name: Lukas Samsa Age: Fourteen (almost fifteen) Gender: Male [hider=Appearance] Lukas flops about with noodle limbs that he is unsure how to use. His spindly fingers are thin bones wrapped tightly in bleached skin, and his face clings tightly to his growing skull. Every knobby knuckle and joint clicks and clacks when it moves, and the limbs attached continue to grow and grow. His face is washed out and hollow with high cheekbones. Prickly peach fuzz is just starting to grow under his elongated nose. His sparkling, void like eyes almost pop out of his head, which dangles from his neck. He's a tall, oddly proportioned thing that still needs filling out.[/hider] [hider=Personality] -Quiet -Lazy -Meak -Weak -Day dreamer -Holds grudges +Strong ethics (though a good liar) +Clever +Inventive +Thinker[/hider] [hider=Power] Lukas has the ability to metamorphose into a monstrous vermin. This bipedal, monstrous, insect like vermin wields immeasurable strength. It is moderately flexible and agile, and it can scale most surfaces. Lukas cannot command this transformation well, and he cannot always transform the entirety of his body. Because this transformation is linked to his muscles, it takes energy to obtain and maintain his transformation. It is a more frequent occurrence, however, for him to have simply slept in a peculiar way and awoken to find his arm into that of the vermin. Tickling and other reactions can cause transformation in his body, making it common for him to mutate without warning. It is seldom for him to completely become the vermin, and even then it doesn't seem to happen under the circumstances that Lukas would like. [/hider]