"Graaahhhhh, F-Fuckkk." These string of words were quickly followed by a pair of coughs accompanied by the sound of something squishing. Shan had taken a 50 caliber bullet in his upper chest just below his neck. The round had punched through his shield and just about completely ignored his chest plate almost going straight through him. Luckily only about half of the actual round had managed to make it into him. His fatigues were completely soaked through with dark blue blood, It was even seeping out onto his chest now. Shuo himself had taken a round in the shoulder but it wasn't bleeding nearly as much. "If we turn back we're just running straight back into that snipers cross hairs and their buddies following us." Renti said in a rather harsh tone that translated well through the comms. She was currently digging around in one of her side pockets for a canister of quickly expanding medical foam but to no avail. She decided to resort to just keeping pressure on the wound as another wet sound came through Shan's mic as he attempted to breath. Shuo turned back to the bleeding member of his squad. The blood didn't phase him but the severity of the wound made his eye twitch. He turned back to look out the door that was their only escape. It lead onto a cat walk where the top half was glass and the lower half was some form of metal. "Looks like we're crawling then. Tether Shan to you and we'll go across the cat walk and get to the east side of the building, should keep that sniper from getting a beat on us." Shuo said looking forward. To the left of him was a wall made of concrete reinforced with metal. Most buildings past 150 stories were rather sturdy and this building was no exception. Shuo leaned up against the wall and pressed his body against it as hard as he could. He began slowly peaking up towards the lip of the window just above him and he looked out towards where he thought the sniper was firing from. As he peaked up his eyes and face plate quickly adjusted to the setting sun in the background of this tall city. He was easily 500 stories off the ground but this fact didn't phase him. His eyes quickly tracked to a building close to half a kilometer away from him. The building looked smiliar to this one. Big windows that reflected his own building in their bronzish way. He looked about 15 stories up from where he was and saw the muzzle flash. He ducked down just as the bullet dropped his shield and ricocheted into the ceiling. As a bit of concrete dust fell down he had an idea. "On my mark we're gonna move as fast as we can to the other building and signal for evac got it?" Shuo said back to Renti who nodded in compliance. Shuo switched his comm channel to his commanding officer's. "Sigma Actual this is Sigma 2-1 I need air support on the Kiwizaka Industrial building 518th floor. We are pinned by a sniper and have a Code Blue, we are on our way to exfil now but need this to get there how copy?" The channel crackled for a moment while he waited for a response. " This is Sigma Actual, all fast movers have been pulled from the area air support is denied. We have authorized Orbital though and your request has been cleared for that. Our angle is no good however and we WILL hit your vector." Shuo knew this was bad. The strike would pass through the building above him in order to hit that building. It would begin collapsing on them if he decided to go through with it. Quickly Shuo checked Shan's heart rate, it was slowing down. "Renti change of plans we are running to the other building. I'll grab his feet you grab his torso. Shuo withlist crouching moved over and grabbed the feet of his comrade. Just as he came off the wall another shot hit the wall to his right. " When you hear them authorize count to 5 then run." Renti nodded and grabbed hold of Shan's torso just as he coughed up more blood. "Sigma Actual bring the rain." "Sigma Actual copies all, prepare for strike." 5....4...3....2....1..Shuo and Renti both shot up into a near full out sprint with Shan between them. A shot rang out and landed just in front of Renti piercing through the wall just in front of her, spraying her with shards of metal. Then a loud crash and crushing sound rang behind them. It sounded like a bomb had gone off, If he wasn't wearing a helmet he would very well be deaf right now. Shuo forced himself to keep his eyes ahead and focus on holding onto Shan. He heard the building behind him begin to crack a little and begin to give way. "Fuck." was all that he could muster. 1 week later... "As per your review and my own you are hearby cleared for combat. Welcome back soldier, expect reassignment within the next 48 hours." His officer Passive Extreme saluted him and Shuo returned the salute. "At ease, until your reassignment you are entitled to full rest and recreation. You've earned it." With that his officer turned sharply on his heel and began walking down the hall. Shuo stared blankly at the leaving Masulu until he rounded a corner at the end of the hall. Shuo's eye twitched then he pushed himself back into his room and pressed the console to the right of the door and it slid closed. As he lifted his arm to do so he felt a dull pain in his shoulder from where he had the bullet removed. Human weapons annoyed Shuo to no end considering they left material and weren't just energy like everyone else. For the most part the wound had healed thanks to disposable nano bots and modern medicine. There wouldn't even be a scar in a few days and the nano bots would run out of juice and exit his system. He cracked his neck by moving it to the side and then turned around. The apartment they had set him up in was a corner room with large windows looking out into the Glorious Conquest's inner city. It was filled with large buildings and aircraft flying between them. Several buildings were linked together like the building he was in not a week ago. Infront of the windows were a set of large soft couches and chairs. Too the left of that was a well folded bed, old habits die hard. To the right of the couches and a little towards him was a small kitchen with all the things he could ask for. But he didn't really care about any of it. The only thing that mattered to him was the city itself. He walked over to the couch and jumped over the back and landed on his back. He looked to his left while he was laying down and just looked at the city. All that they had accomplished was culminated in this place. And that gave him peace.