I like your father! God made tomatoes so that us lesser beings might enjoy a taste of heaven. ;) SO! I'm so sorry! I'm utterly in love with writing with you and it seems I've done everything but respond to your post. It is well past time to right this wrong and as I'm finally home and preparing to leave behind summer and move back into the working classes, I will rectify the issue straight away. Still! It's been a busy and fun few days. We tried to go to Leavenworth, Washington. However, along the way, one of our tires all but burst quite suddenly. We had to do a quick stopover one hundred fifty miles from our target and wait for the next morning in order to fix it. Then we arrived and I spent the evening in an entertaining pub crawl (we're all far too mellow to make it much of an exaggerated one - we ended it with ice cream as befits collective parents of myriad children aged from nine to twenty). Woke this morning, ran to taste test at a distillery (amazing things the creative can do with vodka), then had a meal before shuttling back onto the highway in order to get to where we were both (my son and I) were needed by this evening. It was sort of a whirlwind tour of the family and much too short, but Leavenworth (if you've not heard of it, it is absolutely [url=http://www.leavenworth.org/]gorgeous[/url]) was a place I've not visited in almost ten years, so it was a nice treat. And with that, to that post I go!