Markus stood there unmoved, "You don't expect me to believe you, do you?" His voice went cold, "I was just attacked by my father and kicked out of the only home I have, yet you sit here and tell me of some "forest" that lies on the other side of a rabbit hole." He shook his head, "Grow up. This isn't some game, I just lost everything I had when I was disowned by my own father. I don't have time to play with a child minded priestess." His expression turned to one of emotional pain. He was never going to have his old life again, even if it wasn't the best, it was something. "I don't want to be cheered up, I just want to go back to how things were." Markus dropped to his knees and punched the ground, tears weld up in his eyes. He continually punched the ground until he was to exhausted to even lift up his arm. He laid onto his side silently as tears streamed across his face, "I just want to have my life back."