Castitas looked at him, almost annoyed. "Yeah, your world just fell apart when your father disowned you. How tragic." Her sarcasm was harsh. "Don't mind me, I'm just a dazed puppet of the Gods who saw everything she loved ripped to shreds, but of course 'nothing matters anymore'." She quoted dramatically walking to the rabbit hole. She started to dig with her bare hands. "I will get to the temple, I WILL solve my problems, instead of having a tantrum or being a bully." A small green light floated from the woods around them, resting on her shoulder. "What are you doing?" It asked with a curious tone. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to get to the temple..." Castitas looked back to the little light, doing a double take. "Wah! It's a bug!" She spun around trying to look at it. "Hold still!" The light flicked as it yelled at the priestess. "I'm going to be sick!" "Gah! You can talk!?" Castitas' eyes were wide with shock. "No? Really? Can I?!" The glowing bug said sarcastically, it's little face over dramatically looked surprised. "Look lady, I was tryna be nice and now you think I'm some parasite. Good day to you then!" The bug went humph and flew away through the trees. "Wait!" Castitas called after it. "I'm sorry, I was trying to go through the rabbit hole!" She found the bug settled on an old stump with windows with curtains and a little door. The bug tapped it's little feet as it's green light faded. Castitas gasped. "You're a fairy!" The bugs was frustrated, growling as it screamed. "I'M A PIXIE! Fairies are bad and ugly... I know people always think it's the other way around but Pixies are good... most of the time... Well, my family is good, cus that's just how mama raised me." The pixie gave a smug look. "So sorry if I interrupted you and your husband from rolling in the dirt, but that rabbit hole is blocked off from the other side." Castitas blushed. "He's not my husband!" "Little quick to object, honey." The pixie raised an eyebrow. Castitas looked back to where Markus was, hoping he didn't hear any of that. "W-Why can't we go to the other side?" "Cus it's dangerous! Fairies, Orks, Banshees and other weirdos live there, the good ones live on this side." "I'm trying to get to the first Temple of Light, It's urgent!" Castitas pleaded with her eyes. The pixie rubbed it's chin, thinking for a long time in silence. "Alright... There's another way... But when you're there, you will see a creature... don't think about it, don't talk about it, don't even look at it for too long." Castitas was slightly terrified. "Why?" "Don't ask questions! I can't talk about it! Just do. What. I. Say. Got it?" The pixie pointed below, without looking. A large hole appeared in the ground, leading to pitch darkness.