Sophelia sat near the middle of the room, filing her nails. Her long blonde hair trailed down her back in a cascade of blonde curls, covering half of her face. She had an amused expression on her voice as she listened to the flow of conversations around her. Some she paid attention to, others she didn't. She wanted to join some conversations but her nerves were driving her crazy. For as charming and sweet as she could be, she was surprisingly shy. Her brother, on the other hand, was not, and he prided himself in that. He made friends easier than she did and it was sometimes irritating. However, once she managed to get passed her shyness, she'd eventually come out and talk more. Still. At this point, she didn't know who to talk to other than her brother who was currently not paying attention. Sophie leaned back and tossed her blonde curls over her shoulder and looked at her outfit, trying to find something to do. She wore a pink dress with a floral pattern and a pair of black converse. She had a leather jacket on as well and light pink lipstick as well as black hoop earrings. Her nails were painted to match the color of her dress, and she had a matching bow in her hair. It wasn't that it was her favorite color, but she adored the dress. Her old best friend, Noah, had given it to her before he had passed away, so she wore it often. The howling wind startled Sophie, making her jump almost a foot. Looking up, she looked at the message "REMAIN SEATED", and smirked to herself. "Say please." Sophie mumbled. Didn't they know their mannerisms? The idea was challenged until armed guards came in, and she stared. "Shit just got real," she whispered, audible enough for those around her to hear. Luke nodded in agreement, which she could see from her peripheral vision. Her brother took one look at her and pulled her closer protectively, although there wasn't much that he could actually do. Sophie swallowed, taking his wrist in return, though it didn't match up quite as much. A woman with a scarred face came in, and began speaking. "Students of Second Academy," she began, prompting a few individuals to jump in surprise, "I do not regret to inform you that this is not the educational facility you were expecting. No more than I fail to regret putting a gun into a locked safe when I go to sleep at night. When I enjoy the comfort of being at home when I do it, and that my son is safe from its dangers." She paused for a few seconds, watching as the chatter among the audience began to pick up. The woman went on to show blueprints of the academy then brag about the security defenses and the mechanisms it displayed, after speaking more. She swallowed, watching the blueprints come out, and then shook her head. She didn't want to see this; she wanted to know what was in store for the rest of the people here and herself. *-* When the woman finally stopped speaking, Sophelia stared with horror. What? This sounded more like a jail than an academy. She looked at her hands to discover how sweaty they were. Making a face, she wiped them on her chair beside her and looked over at her brother, pale. He stared back at her, equally pale, before whispering, "Soph, we've made a mistake." She nodded in agreement and glanced around her in hopes of seeing others reactions and relaxed a little when she saw others' horror and then annoyance. Mixed emotions coursed through her as well as others. The elevator began to move and she gasped, being thrust forward. Luke quickly threw his arm out to stop her from falling and grab her with his other hand, and she thanked him. "What the fuck am I doing here," he sighed as he planted his face inside his hands. A brunette haired girl kicked her feet up on the chair in front of her, "Right now you're putting your face in your hands and sighing." She said lamely. Sophelia and Luke glanced over. She smirked, noticing the attitude in the girl and appreciating that she wasn't the only one here with one. "I'm wondering the same," she commented, forcing herself to speak steadily. "I've never been to jail before," Sophie added. "Should be fun. It'll be something to put on applications." She pursed her lips and then sighed, leaning back. Luke snickered, though he remained silent and let her speak for once, something that was rare. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Lucas[/b] I watched as my sister turned and spoke to the girl and boy nearby, though I myself remained silent. I normally didn't, however, I let her go for it since she's the shyer one. Maybe if she spoke more and the people weren't rude, she'd open up more to strangers. As I eye the people she is conversing with, I can't help but notice how gorgeous the girl who'd responded lamely, is. I tore my eyes away quickly, and remain as pleasant as I can but I'm jacked with worry and panic. What had he and the others gotten themselves into? How would they get themselves of out of this one? They were miles above the earth and they couldn't teleport out either. The security was ridiculous. I can't help but be thankful for my power: force-feeds. At least, with some work, I could protect the people here and my sister. I glanced at her again, but her back is turned towards the new people, though she has her hand on my wrist comfortingly. I regretted having her come with me now, though she had the letter as well. I didn't know what I would do if I lost my sister; she was my best friend. Sure I had friends outside of her, but she was my main one since I'd helped in taking care of her since she was younger. I sighed and shook my head to clear my thoughts and redirect my attention to everyone else here. I was trying my best not to show how motion sick I was. Throwing up on the floor or on the guards wouldn't earn me any brownie points. Not that it was my goal, but I didn't want to endanger anyone around me for something as silly as that. I glance at the group again, and then tear my eyes away. My sister's dress compared to the girl's leather outfit made me smirk. The contrast was evident yet humorous. I couldn't help but chuckle and made it as quiet as possible. He glanced around, hearing more flows of conversation. I'm half listening to my sister's, the brunette's and the boys, and then another group of boys'. He wanted to make as many friends as he could and be acquainted with them. They'd have to work together, wouldn't they? Besides, he liked meeting new people. “That has gotta be the best welcoming ceremony I’ve ever attended,” the boy next to him sarcastically declared. “Best. Shit. Ever.” He beckoned the blond boy sitting on the same row to come join them. “Name’s March. March Blakewood." he said once he had joined. "Now since I’ve introduced myself, it wouldn’t be good manners if you guys didn’t.” "My condolences..." The boy said, extending his hand out for a handshake to March. "For what I can only assume must have been a particularly traumatic childhood... With a name like that..." His humorous expression hinted that he wasn't being particularly serious, however. Luke managed a slight smirk at the comment, glancing at the other boy (Rhys) before looking back to the others. "Cormac. Cormac Leclaire." Another boy joined, approaching March and Cromac. "Hi," he began, still trying to get his face to return to its normal shade of red. "I'm Rhys. Treharne. Wish we were meeting under better circumstances..." Luke turned his attention towards them and swallowed. "Mind if I join?" He inquired. "I'm Lucas, but you can call me Luke."