"This place was hidden from anyone who was not fully devoted to serving the Gods and their child; Light, not even the royal family was allowed to know." Castitas looked around, memories flooding back to her. "I went here as a child until some of Light's followers were attacked by the creatures that lived nearby... I guess that's why the rabbit hole was blocked." She pushed her thoughts away. "This place is a passageway between Earth and the Heavens, giving us a more direct way to communicate with our makers." She smirked at Markus. "Still think It's not real?" She laughed as she jested. She walked towards the temple ruins, the ground where she stepped lit up with a strange glow before fading back into the ground. When they entered the temple, distant voices could be heard, singing softly. Castitas kneeled, praying aloud. "Light, if you can hear me... please answer." She remained silent for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, she opened her eyes, that were blank with a white glow, speaking in a strange tongue.