[i]Somewhere on the fringe world [REDACTED], 2832 hours[/i] The sun had set hours ago, when this assassin guy finally got under way. Many times, had Captain Dalkus wanted to just run in, unsure if the guy could even be trusted. And every time, the same response from him, in the same, raspy voice, like he had asthma or something: "Just a little longer." Then, the same guy showed up moments ago out of nowhere, standing right behind him and scaring the shit out of the Tempu. Dalkus back handed his first mate, a human, and scolded him. "Open your fucking eyes, Travis! He could've killed me, you know..." The lanky man nursed his bruised cheek, and backed away, hands up defensively. "S-sorry cap'n. I swear, I looked away for like a second, and then... HE was there." "Whatever. He's not that good..." Dalkus turned to the man, and drew his pistol. "Is the way clear?" The Tempu pirate had grown rather impatient, and was beginning to smell a trap. The Skull Jackers hadn't had a successful raid in ages, and were running low on supplies, not to mention actual money or new blood. And then this guy shows up, claiming to fix all their problems in one night? Bullshit. Something's not right. There was a brief pause of what felt like a minute, while the silent man in front of him just continued to rasp ever so quietly and not move, arms crossed almost as if in deep contemplation. Then, he spoke, raising a finger. "Just a liiiiiiiittle longer..." Dalkus let out an angered growl. "FUCK YOU!" He then turned to walk away and casually waved his hand at his men. "Kill him. This punk thin-" Without warning, there was a distant, rumbling shake, as a very large explosion took place. Dalkus turned back to the mercenary, and stared at him in anticipation. "Now, you may go... Remember, take as much loot as you like. But once you and your men have all you can carry in a single trip, don't come back. Or you'll be in trouble. And no survivors, make it messy. We need to send a message." The pirate smiled, and nodded his head in joyful agreement. "Didn't think you were the real deal, but you shut me up. And sure thing bud. Just quickly, though: Awfully convenient you showed up, right when we were going to raid this place. ANd you don't even want a cut? Who sent you, merc?" The figure looked up, and his face port went from a light green to red, as he casually remarked. "A mutually interested party." [i][b]Operational report for "Fortunate Timing":[/b] Location: [DATA NOT FOUND] Agents and Parties concerned: SpecOps Field Agent 'Opus', [REDACTED] Mission Status: Completed. No casualties Closing Brief: Agent successfully compromised another target facility's security systems, evacuation ships and emergency distress beacon communications, bringing the total number to four. Raiders known as the [REDACTED] assaulted facility, neutralizing all staff. Footage has been leaked to mass media sites all across the sector, and [REDACTED] have finally withdrawn all mining operations in these systems due to the backing out of all major investors. Expansion into these systems has been approved. Notes: Opus has been deemed fit for reassignment, as a result of these successful operations, back to his original duties. Recommend green lighting of Operation "Phantom Trail".[/i]