[Hider=Liz Reinhardt] [B]Name:[/b] Elisa "Liz" Reinhardt [B]Age:[/b] 26 [B]Gender:[/b] Female [B]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/b] Caucasian. German American. [B]Physical Description:[/b][INDENT] [img] http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs39/i/2008/352/4/a/the_cutiest_triple_amputee_by_excilion.jpg [/img] Liz's once long, dirty blonde hair has been cropped short, now barely reaching her neck, though she still streaks it with same deep blue to remind her of the time she spent as a punk rocker. Pale blue eyes, which have seen horribly scarring events, seem to stare straight through people. Her right arm bears no tattoo, though jagged scars along it and her stomach serve as a reminder as to the strength of the vampires. Her left arm and both legs have been replaced with cybernetics. Her normal attire consists of torn jeans, fingerless gloves with metal studs on the knuckles, form fitting band t-shirts, studded belts and denim jackets with the sleeves torn off. When in the field, she wears a black body glove which covers most of her body, barring her neck line and up as well as her human arm. The body glove has minor camouflage abilities, changing its colors based on the surfaces she is in contact with. (Taking some ideas from Metal Gear with that) [/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] Liz's time spent as a thief has given her an excellent set of lock picking skills, a good head for stealth, and an unmatched ability to pickpocket. She also has a decent ability to crack safes, and a near infinite well of patience for surveillance. Her participation in the rock scene, both as a fan going to shows, and a band member playing in them, has taught Liz how to defend herself against drunkards and ner-do-wells, She is a bit of an unrefined brawler, but if she were forced to fight hand to hand with a Vampire, she would be woefully outclassed. [B]History:[/b] Elisa grew up like a normal city kid for most of her childhood, getting into minor troubles as any youngster does. It wasn't until her tween years that she started escalating. Beginning with petty theft and pick pocketing, Liz quickly developed a reputation as a trouble maker. In her teens, Liz discovered the glory of punk rock and quickly found her way into one of the city's gangs, The Burning Angels. Liz barely drifted through High School, her energies devoted to music, graffiti and all around trouble making, though she kept her nose out of anything major. Her parents, doubting their daughter would even graduate, got her a present on graduation day, a Fender Stratocaster and amp. From the moment she picked it up and strummed her first chord, she knew the life of a rocker was for her. Guitar in hand, and what money she had scrounged from her pick pocketing, Liz struck out on her own. She managed to convince a few other Burning Angels to join her and started a band called "The Condemned." Over the years, they managed minor success, making a living with local shows and bar performances. They were like a family, teaching each other all they knew about their instruments and making these rotations part of their shows. Liz and her compatriots lived their lives to The Max, living on the edge and going through each day like it could be their last. Their repeated arrests for thieving landed them in jail a number of times, but they remained a tight knit group, rebels against the world. One day, the lead singer, perhaps Liz's closest friend, came to her with a grin spreading from ear to ear. He told her all about an easy score, a nearby house with a new owner who was loaded. Liz didn't think twice, and that night the pair headed off to their destiny. All too late, Liz realized she was being played. A vampire had put her closest friend under his influence, and had him lure her to its home to feast. In an instant her best friend's neck was snapped, and his life blood was draining into the vamp's mouth. She was horror stricken, unable to move as she watched him die. Its hunger sated for the moment, the predator decided to play with its food, ripping Liz's legs off and watching her try to crawl to safety. Finally bored with its catch, the vampire went in for the kill, tearing her left arm away and sucking the blood from it before hefting her body and throwing her out the window, leaving her for dead amid the broken glass. Liz woke days later in the hospital, screaming from the first of many nightmares. Crippled, depressed, and resigned to her fate, she wished she had died that night. Weeks later, on her discharge day, Liz was approached by a mysterious, suit clad man who offered her a new lease on life, a new purpose, and most importantly, revenge. Some part of her was leery about trusting this stranger, but the promises were too good. She agreed and over several months, underwent augmentative operations to become a part of the vampire hunters. [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] Psychologically, the incident had left her a shell of her formerly lively self. However, with the new augmentations fitted to her body, she feels a renewed sense of purpose bordering on neurosis. With the phrase "Crawl like the worm you are" echoing in her mind, she harbors a sadistic need to dismember vampires slowly and equates physical pain with success, intending to mar the flesh on her right arm with a single scar for each vampire she slays. The betrayal of one of her closest friends has left a sizable mark, and Elisa finds herself keeping most at arm's length, unwilling to let anyone get close in case they betray her. [B]Modifications:[/b] [indent]- - Communications suite, HUD and neural-computer, all standard issue -- Aspidas agents are able to text by thinking it among each other on a heavily encrypted wireless network. In fact, the computer works off brain impulses and is easily one of the most sophisticated and useful implants they have; what's more, its capabilities have yet to be fully exploited. The downside of this implant is that it includes a cortex bomb with an anti-tampering device. A captured agent can set it off, destroying the hardware inside, or a signal from control can do the same. This is to prevent the enemy from learning the capabilities of implanted agents. - Internal air supply and aerial toxin filter -- this also has the added advantage of making agents immune to vampire pheromones, as some types of vampires are known to use this to seduce their prey. - Blood/liquid toxin filter -- the obvious is at work here -- vampires use their blood as a means of controlling mortals, and this system (and everyone, even non field agents, in the Aspidas organization have this implant) screens out one of most subtle weapons a vampire has, rendering them functionally immune to being controlled through ingested blood the way mortal thralls of a vampire might be. - Eye augmentation; a HUD showing all sorts of system data, such as the status of implants, as well as allowing for low-light and ultra-sound modes of vision, the latter being thought to be more effective than thermographics when dealing with vampires, who tend to run cold if they haven't fed lately. - Hearing Amplification, including low and high frequency sound ranges, along with balance augmentation. - Cybernetic left arm, capable of normal human strength. The tips of its fingers are equipped with lock picking tools. Her hand has a hinge in the underside of its wrist which opens up and attatches to her forearm to reveal an uzi mechanism which takes a thirty round clip which can be inserted into her elbow. - Both of her legs are cybernetic replacements with enhanced running and jumping capabilities, equivalent to olympic sprinters and high jumpers. Within the heels of her cybernetics are stummers which silence her foot steps, but the energy requirements mean she can not run while doing this, nor can she do it for more than 20 minutes at a time. - Her spine has been replaced with what amounts to a cluster of fiberoptic cables which allow her to control her limbs with near hyperkinetic ease, increasing her reaction time greatly, though she can not dodge bullets. - - -[/indent] [B]Equipment:[/b] [indent]- A modified electric guitar with reinforced body and neck which house a magnetic rail system that shoots iron shots coated with silver from the end of the neck, the trigger of which is a button on the lower horn of the guitar's body. A pad has been added to the portion she presses to her shoulder to keep it from doing permanent damage. The rail system holds five shots before needing to be reloaded. The other half of the guitar bottom is fitted with a sharpened blade stretching from the center of the bottom down to half way up the body beneath the horn that houses the trigger, allowing her to swing the guitar like an axe. Within the bottom of the guitar is a retractable silver spike, used for slaying vampires. - A brace of knives, one silver for vampire slaying and the other monofiliment edged for easy stealth assassinations. Both are kept in boot sheathes, one on each boot. - Five smoke bombs kept in a hip pouch. - - - - [/INDENT] [/hider]