Name Z-X age looks and programed to be 19 Alias Zaina What are you? Android Whos side are you on(Supernatural, Human, neutral) Human but is slowly becoming neutral Look [img][/img] Powers(Leave blank is human)Super strength, -Can lift up to 1000 pounds Enough durability to with stand a hit from a semi Scanners for Body heat, and a sonar She can also leap about 10 feet. Skills: she is also very agile the sonar also helps her hearing her body resist heat(Up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit) she can run up to 35m/s Her data base has her skilled in 10 different martial arts also has a overdrive ability in which she fries her circuits to increase her strength, speed, and durability times 5 encase the fight gets close she has a wrist blade but it can be broken off. Weapons: Her arm is a cannon that has 4 functions Rocket Launcher -can be shot one at a time or rapid fire enough force to destroy a concrete wall -only 25 mini rockets Electric Beam -enough power to kill two bulls -range is 10 feet -the beam can only be held for 5 minutes, any longer and it will stop. She will have to wait a hour to recharge it Flamethrower -ranges up to 5 feet -the flamethower run on gas, which usually runs out in 30 minutes the gas line can be cut, the cut will cause a explosion plasma canon -can only be shot 2 times -can be charges, a full charge is two shots and has a range of 5 feet Her left arm also has a grappling wire -strong steel ranges to 15 feet can be used as a whip or lasso personality only programmed to feel a few emotions, but also is programmed to learn emotions short bio Other Is programed to study human behavior if she is hit in the head, she can be confused for a few minutes her stomach area isnt as strong as the armor on the other parts of her body She has little protection from magic